NARDUCCI: That’s a great question. I understand the passion that the fans have for these characters, but it is a television show and these are fictional characters. Ultimately, all of this entertainment and all of this story, the person that I want it to affect is the audience. The emotions experienced by the characters, of course, is important within our fiction, but at the end of the day, you turn the television off and however the story has affected you should inform your own life. I want people to watch this and think about what they would do in these situations, and to think about their relationships with this siblings, their parents, and their children. Ultimately, I want them to think about love and loyalty and family, and what kind of promises we make to one another. Hopefully, some of what they see the Mikaelsons endure will reverberate in their own lives. That’s the true goal of any writer, so that’s my hope
Sneak Peek 2
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Michael Narducci: I think that is a big part of the drama of the episode. Every single one of them will have a different episode. In fact, their perspectives are pretty unique to each of the characters. There are complications to the spell that Vincent wants to do, such that it's not immediately clear who will be the four volunteers who have to be a carrier to The Hollow as they divide it, draw and quarter it.
Freya, realizing that she may need to be a part of this in order to make certain that neither of Hope's parents will be separated from the child she loves and that she loves, is willing to make a pretty terrible sacrifice, which will be revealed over the course of the episode. Without saying too much, I'm really looking forward to the fans' reaction to Elijah's point of view, Klaus' point of view, which is basically, "I'm going to do whatever I have to do for my daughter," and Rebecca, Hayley. Everyone is going to have a different perspective. There are wrinkles to Vincent's spell that we will unpack over the course of the episode that make things more and more complicated for the Mikaelsson family.
Inside The Episode
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Sneak Peek
Thanks to Emily for the heads up.
THE END OF ALWAYS AND FOREVER - In an explosive season finale, the Mikaelsons find themselves out of options as they face the all-powerful and un-killable entity known as The Hollow. With the life of Hope (guest star Summer Fontana) at stake, Vincent (Yusuf Gatewood) proposes a final, desperate plan - one that will force Klaus (Joseph Morgan), Elijah (Daniel Gillies), Hayley (Phoebe Tonkin), Rebekah (guest star Claire Holt) and Freya (Riley Voelkel) to make the greatest sacrifice their family has ever endured. Charles Michael Davis also stars. Bethany Rooney directed the episode written by Michael Narducci (#413). Original airdate 6/23/17.
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