KERRY EHRIN | We’ve always been driven by character. It really came from getting inside the head of Mother, who at the end of [last week’s episode] was basically broken up with by her son. Norman says, “This isn’t really working for me” in so many words. She’s devoted everything to this guy and she’s pissed. So she’s like, “F–k this. I’m going to go out and throw back a few.” And, you know, the guy [at the bar] was cute. She’s attracted to him, and they end up in a car… It came from a really human place. Clearly, Norman’s sexuality is all over the place. It’s not super defined. It made sense to us that this would’ve happened with him — many times, probably.
TVLINE | How long has he been having sex with other men?
CARLTON CUSE | We don’t define it. But we suggest that this is kind of what’s been happening in the couple of years that have passed since Norma has died.