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Ash vs Evil Dead - Ashy Slashy - Review: "Stunned"

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The gang arrives to rescue Ash from Baal. We got to see the truth behind the illusion Baal used to break Ash. We learn that Linda was actually there, and we get to meet the fake Kelley that Ash tried to help escape. Fake Kelley is a drug addict who seems to have bought into the craziness.

I was a little surprised to find that Linda’s presence wasn’t one of Ash’s delusions. She was there and lying to Ash because her [insert several profane words here] husband (the ‘sheriff’) kidnapped their daughter to use as a bargaining chip to force Linda to help him break Ash.

Linda refuses to stand there begging Baal to keep his word. She storms off to find her daughter. We quickly find out what happened to Lacy. She’s a Deadite, hence my earlier words about the Sheriff. I really liked Lacey and was hoping she’d be around when the season ended. I cheered when Lacey snapped the Sheriff’s neck.

Kelley was one of the heroes of the episode again. She dispatched Lacey. When Linda admitted to herself that her daughter was dead, Kelley helped her stay strong and stay in the fight. I had forgotten how Kelley got into this fight in the first place. When she told Linda she understood what she was feeling, she meant it.

I adored Kelley’s fight with Ashy Slashy, the puppet. Dana DeLorenzo showed her skill with physical action. She really sold the fight sequence with the puppet. That’s not as easy as Bruce Campbell can make it look.

Pablo and Ruby stuck together most of the episode. Pablo realized that Ruby’s attempt to stop the Necronomicon from taking over and destroying him wasn’t working. I was as concerned as Pablo about whether he will be able to hold on long enough to rescue Ash.

While all of this is going on, Ash is stalking Pablo and Ruby. After the requisite (and gratuitous) splashing of blood in everyone’s face, Ash grabs Pablo and drags him away.

Ash strings Pablo from the ceiling. He’s prepared to cut his head off and destroy the Necronomicon. But, when Baal joins them, Ash reveals, rather gleefully, that his plan came together. Ash calls everyone on not believing he could actually get the Necronomicon and Baal in the same room at the same time. I believe, this is only the second Ash Plan that actually came together.

Pablo steps up to the plate and says the incantation to send Baal back to Hell. During Baal’s struggle to survive, he slashes Pablo across the waist. Everyone congratulates Pablo on his success then screams in horror as Pablo’s body slides into two pieces.

THEY KILLED PABLO!!!!! That was the last thing I expected. I’ve got my fingers crossed that they find some magic to bring Pablo back.

I thought it was another great episode. I was absolutely stunned by Pablo’s demise. I really hope we get him back. What did you think of the episode?

Prpleight is a screenwriter and senior software engineer with solid geek cred. When not writing code, screenplays, or watching TV (sometimes she does all three at the same time), she uses her broadsword Bessie to battle evil. She's been a frequent contributor to the SpoilerTV discussion boards for several years now.
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