Sneak Peek 3
Thanks to Phun for the heads up.
Sneak Peek 2
Thanks to Phun for the heads up.
Sneak Peek
Thanks to Phun for the heads up.
First Look Photos
LYNDA CARTER (“WONDER WOMAN”) LANDS IN NATIONAL CITY AS PRESIDENT OLIVIA MARSDIN — An attack is made on the President (guest star Lynda Carter) as hot-button, alien vs. human rights issues heat up in National City. Supergirl (Melissa Benoist) and the DEO are assigned to protect the President and bring in the responsible party. Alex (Chyler Leigh) teams up with Detective Maggie Sawyer (Floriana Lima) to investigate the case while Kara searches for a recently escaped Mon-El (Chris Wood), who she fears may be the alien behind the assault. Rachel Talalay directed the episode written by Jessica Queller and Derek Simon (#203). Original airdate 10/24/2016.
Extended Promo
Post Mortem Interview
THE CAT IS OUT OF THE BAG OFFICE | First thing’s first: You haven’t seen the last of Cat Grant. “We’re still trying to work out her schedule,” Kreisberg said of Calista Flockhart, who he hopes to have back for “as many [episodes] as we can get.” And although CatCo will function without its head for a bit, there will be no shortage of girl power this season. “The strongest ‘feminist’ thing about the show is Kara herself … and the challenges she’s presented with, and how she overcomes them, both physically and emotionally,” Kreisberg reminded reporters.