Written by Charlie Craig
Reviewed by Gavin Hetherington
Season 5 Episode Guide
Season 6 Episode Guide
Season 7 Episode Guide

So I was a little peed off with this episode in the first few minutes (but let me be clear, I liked the episode by the end). It started good enough, and hey, if Noel actually did run Caleb over with his car, I would have been impressed and said this was a pretty great opening. But that didn't happen. No, it was a dream. It was shown in the promo for the episode, in fact, the promo revolved around this moment, only to have it turn out to be a dream. A lot of people said it would be a dream. I was hoping they wouldn't cop out on it. What's the point in having it as a big moment in the promo if it was just a dream? Pet peeve of mine is setting up a big moment in the promo and backing out on it. I don't mind a red herring or two, but not a total deception like that. So yeah, this episode did not start well for me.
Fortunately, things picked up again and I soon forgave that opening (though not entirely). Have to admit, I like when the characters come face to face with the truth, or are forced to give it. This happened with Aria in this episode, whose stupid decision to delete Nicole's phone call came back to bite her on the ass. I was surprised she confessed so quickly and I enjoyed the intense moment. It was confusing for them, of course, because Nicole was supposed to be dead, but suddenly she might not be, but still Aria deleted something she shouldn't have, and now she has come clean. Time to face the music, ay? She handled it like a champ though, and did the right thing in the end by letting Ezra go abroad to be there if they find Nicole. Now we may finally see some independent Aria. By the way, loved her Sparia scenes.
Because Spencer and Aria make a fabulous duo. The pair chase up Dr. Cochran in the hopes of finding out more about Mary Drake's other child. It was a bit of a wasted, pointless journey as he couldn't even remember the sex of the baby, but it was a great scene nonetheless, with Spencer's great line "curb the perv, or the bottle walks". Just who do you think is Mary's other child? Some fingers may be pointing to Spencer right now - sure, she's a candidate, but I think she's a Hastings through and through, and it was way too obvious by having her look through a family photo album at the end. Don't fall for it guys. Who do I think is her other child? How about Cochran's daughter, the one that Spencer and Aria sees earlier in the episode? Why do I think that? In the Class of 2012 filing cabinet, we briefly see a file belonging to Lisa Cochran. Coincidence, I think not! The child is supposed to be their age, and if she graduated the same year, then why not? She may have something against the Liars too, considering they probably don't even remember her judging by Spencer and Aria's unfamiliarity with her.
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Lisa Cochran, hm? Wonder why they would show this... |
There was a time when I rather liked Paige. A long time ago. Now? I find her re-appearance rather forced and out of place. It's something I don't really care for. For the time being, I don't see the point in it as there was no true progression for Emily here. There never is, let's be honest. If anything, this just makes Paige look more shady, especially after she is seen spying on Emily with Sabrina. I'm starting to like Sabrina more because I dislike Paige more. Other than the ex showing up, Emily tried to right some of the wrongs she caused when she told Aria to delete the message. It wasn't "maybe" your fault Emily, you were totally to blame for it too. Both of you were. I do appreciate her effort in smoothing things over with Ezra, I will give her props for that, though I was totally Team Ezra on that particular topic.
Hanna still had the most interesting episode here. It's always interesting when Carla Grunwald shows up, and this episode was no exception. I'm glad she brought up the darkness between Hanna and Caleb, because she needs to stay away from Caleb for a while (so glad they didn't kiss at the end of the episode, phew). She still made no sense, and her whole "source of the threat" thing was a little too direct. However, as crazy as Hanna does seem, she does make sense with a lot of the Noel things when she tries to convince the other girls that he is A.D. He most likely isn't, because PLL, but every point Hanna had, she backed it up. She may be totally wrong, but hey, give the girl some credit too for pointing out the obvious. I am so intrigued by who she was talking to on the phone though, and just what her plan is for that room she is in, taping up the windows. It's most likely going to be some form of torture against Noel, and that will be awesome to watch. But it's still shady.
Alison has decided to return to work - yay! - which meant she had a pretty good episode herself. I liked her scene in the classroom with the kid talking about how Kings and Queens can do or say what they want and get away with it - as it perfectly resonates with Alison's high school popularity. Burn when he said "you'd know". The poor girl can't catch a break. Nice sleuthing skills when she saw the Class of 2012 cabinet, but my money is still on Lisa Cochran as Mary's other daughter. And was I the only one who thought her entire class in hoodies was just a panic-driven illusion. I didn't think it actually happened, but wow, it did. Those kids are brutal, as most kids in high school seem to be. Will be interesting to see if she and Emily can work together in the school, if Emily gets the job there. Then maybe Aria, Spencer and Hanna can work there too and they will keep their high school years going forever and ever and ever...
An average episode to me. I think I would have liked it more if they didn't beat around the bush and try too hard to avoid certain things. It slows down the plot, and to me, this episode didn't move to the pace I wanted it too. At least give us something more. I liked Aria coming clean to Ezra, and I enjoyed hers and Spencer's moments together. Alison was good, but Hanna was a little grating and Paige's return just didn't help Emily get any good storyline whatsoever again. Never mind, 2 episodes left of 7A and I'm sure things will pick up with these final 2 episodes of 2016.

Prettiest Little Liar: Spencer Hastings.
Boyfriend Material: None.
Biggest Asshole: Dr. Cochran. Perv.
Most Sympathetic Character: Sabrina. I feel sorry she's doomed to be Emily's ex.
Favourite Episode Pairing: Spencer and Aria.
Best Line: Spencer: "Curb the perv, or the bottle walks."
Funniest Line: Emily: "Never say never." Hanna: "Oh thanks Pam."
Best Moment: Spencer and Aria talk with Dr. Cochran.
Saddest Moment: Aria letting Ezra go.
Creepiest Moment: Every moment with Ms. Grunwald.
Runner-up: Hanna's flashbacks.
Shadiest Moment: Paige standing watching Emily and Sabrina.
Funniest Moment: Hanna sounding crazy to the girls.
Damned Disappointment: No Mary Drake. No Mona. No Jenna. No Jason.
Biggest Question Mark Award: Who is Mary Drake's other child?
Biggest ReveAl: Nothing really.
What did you think of last night's episode? Did you love it? Hate it? Let me know your thoughts on the episode in the comments and tune into the next episode, airing on Freeform on August 23rd!