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Outcast - Season 2 - Madeleine McGraw Promoted to a Series Regular

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We’ll be seeing more of Madeleine McGraw in the second season of Robert Kirkman’s Outcast. McGraw, who recurred as Amber Barnes in Season 1, has been promoted to series regular for Season 2 of the Cinemax exorcism drama. Amber is Kyle Barnes’ (Patrick Fugit) daughter.

From The Walking Dead creator Kirkman, Outcast follows Kyle Barnes, a young man who has been plagued by possession since he was a child. Now an adult, he embarks on a journey to find answers but what he uncovers could mean the end of life on Earth as we know it. In the Season 1 finale, Amber is revealed to be able to perform exorcisms like her father when she saves her aunt, Megan Holter (Wrenn Schmidt), from a demon possession.

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