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Guilt - The Crown v Atwood - Review: "What kind of game are you playing?"

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Previously on Guilt:
Neville points the finger at Theo, an attractive guard assures Grace she’s safe in the infirmary after she stabbed herself on purpose, Theo declares war on Bruno who’s testifying against him and Patrick wants to honour his father’s memory by shooting everyone.

“Nine weeks from the day she was arrested in her posh west end hotel Grace Atwood will finally go on trial for the murder of her flatmate” Vena Patel smiles into the camera and sets the scene for this season’s penultimate episode. Amongst others, the big question is what Grace will wear to court today. Come on Vena, we both know you are better than these demeaning misogynistic digs.

The wigs are on as our prosecutor Gwendolyn Hall and the defendant Stan Guttery get ready for their big gladiator match. Bruno’s seeking refuge in some motel now that Trimley’s conviction has been appealed. Gwen, with the memory of a young girl being murdered on her side, paints Grace as a volatile and vindictive killer while Stan makes sure every jury member remembers that there is a man behind this crime and if “You find the daddy, you find the baddy”. I bet the jury’s like why the hell are we listening to this funny American guy.

Bruno is bathing in his self-loathing and pity and he has an angry fringe going on. Natalie is visiting Neville on the regular to coach him for when he goes on the stand. It’s very clear he doesn’t want to do it but Natalie builds up his confidence and becomes his friend but this comes with a heavy price, as we soon find out. While Natalie is one of my favourite characters on this murder soap, it’s clear as day that her ulterior motives are clouding her judgement and I’m disturbed by the way she’s involving this innocent child to save lying Grace’s ass.

Kaley presents a pamphlet to Patrick that says “Life’s a beach, mate”. She just wants to move to Australia cause it’s warm and that’s a totally valid thing to say when you live in the UK but I’m finding it hard to believe that serving fish and chips can earn you that much money.

- You’re mad
- That’s why you fancy me
These two have so little chemistry and their romance on the run makes me feel sick.

The case of #Gracethedisgrace is heating up as Luc Pascal returns and dodges every question thrown at him with difficulty. At some point, he literally stands up and cries that he loves Grace, who’s sitting at the other end of the courtroom. Grace is silently reevaluating every choice she’s made from moving in with the Irish girl to dating this moron.

The same guard from 1x8 drives her back to the prison and starts flirting with her, which makes my skin crawl. “I used to think if I was innocent the jury wouldn’t find me guilty” At first you might say this is Grace being the silly naive Grace we know very well but my theory is that this was part of her plan which unfolds later on in the episode: Playing the sad naive and innocent girl to gain sympathy.

- You read up on everyone you ride to trial?
- Just the nice ones

A very distraught Natalie goes to Stan for help after she found Neville dead in the psychiatric ward. Their key witness is gone under very guilty circumstances and while Natalie wants to put Grace on the stand Stan shoots that down because all they have is “the faceless killer she saw under hypnosis”. Thank you so much for pointing out how ridiculous that development was.

Alex Bruno, who’s fixed his hair comes to set the record straight... or at least that’s what you think until Bruno refuses to answer to any of Stan’s questions. Gwen asks him if she had sex with the defendant’s sister and the jury gasps in terror. This trial is absurd. Natalie chases after him demanding a reason for what he just did. The reason is that Theo threatened to kill Natalie if he did not comply. Seeing Natalie compute this was a great cheesy moment. Alex promises he’s not giving up and tells Natalie about Jessica Marshall.

After another witness was thwarted, Stan orders the Judge to call the Prince on the stand and the judge almost has a full on haemorrhage upon hearing this. Roz is called on the stand instead after Stan bribes her with a “Dj Rozzy Roz” gig at Las Vegas. Did anyone forget Luc was in that scene? He’s the same shade as that grey wall.

Evidently, Theo wasn’t very good at eliminating the witnesses or else Roz wouldn't be free to tell the judge that he was Molly’s most frequent client. Gwen yells “Inflammatory” and Stan succeeds in revealing Prince Theo was involved before he gets arrested. The judge orders them to disregard the last statements but they can’t forget what they just heard.

Theo’s head is spinning now that the truth is out. What would the queen say, Theo? I wonder what Charlotte’s doing during all of this. Before Grace goes back to her cell, she tells the guard that she has a savings account with enough money for both of them to run away. Yes, Grace. Use him to your advantage. This is getting interesting because as soon as Grace decides to make a run for it, she will completely ruin any chances of her being exonerated.

The Jessica Marshall lead is the Deus Ex Machina Prosecutor Atwood and Sargent Baby Blues needed right now. (Yes, a spin off starring those two would be fantastic) Dogs are barking, shovels are digging and a body bag is unearthed in the Hertfordshire mansion's gardens. Hello, Jessica Marshall. Why is it always so sunny on this show set in London?

“Wicked Game” plays as Theo caves and gives Kaley a call, just like Patrick wanted him to. His lips curl and tense as she accepts the offer to come over one last time.Men in power owning and taking advantage of women for their bodies. What else is new on this show. We cut to the dark cold prison halls. Someone shines a flashlight on Grace, who’s lying in her cell. “Josh?” she whispers 50% baffled and 50% excited. The guard comes to get Grace so that they can go on the lam. She pauses for a second, as she considers what she's about to do and finally tells him "I'm a celebrity, get me out of here".

This girl will only break you

Despite the numerous similarities between Guilt and the real life case of Amanda Knox, Nichole Millard stated in an interview that the show was more inspired by the way the media interferes and drives legal cases in general, not just in the Knox trial. I'm really into that idea and you can definitely see that the show has integrated and taken advantage of the media in its narrative. That's why Vena Patel is so great.
Realistically, what would happen to royalty being charged with murder? Would they go to jail like any normal citizen?
The male equivalent of a nymphomaniac is called a "satyromaniac" and that’s what exactly Theo is.
I laughed so much with Pike's various disses at Bruno. First, he comes over to remind him he's a "disgraced cop", then he says "some of us have a job". Pike has no chill.

Favourite shot:
The beginning of the trial where we see Gwen moving to the right of the frame and then we pan back to Stan moving to the right. This episode had really great transitions between suspects, lawyers and spectators.

Favourite scene:
The flames are crackling in the fireplace and the camera slowly moves to a glass of whisky and then Theo holding it. For a second, this slow reveal of the baddy felt like the ending “A” scenes from PLL.

Best quote:
- You jealous you don't get to wear [a wig]?
- I could never pull it off quite like you do.
Natalie and Stan are one of the best pairings of the show

Guilt meta-statement of the week:
"There is a time and place for #Guilt."

Answers to the mystery:
Jessica Marshall was murdered and buried in the Hertfordshire mansion.

Questions remaining:
Do trials really happen the way they were portrayed in this episode? I'm so used to seeing American court cases on TV and my knowledge on British law is so scarce. Let me know in the comments.

Rating: 4/5
This episode was proof that Grace is much more compelling when she doesn't act gullible and stupid. She lied about the Courtenay, she made Luc promise to keep her secret and she played the Guard like a fiddle. I'm really excited to see what she does next and whether the Guard was as trusting as he seemed. This was a delightful episode, even if some of the elements were absurd, especially Patrick's storyline which is the weakest development of the season in my opinion.

Next on Guilt:
The promo is just bonkers. The verdict is about to be released, Kaley tells Theo he deserves to be punished right as Patrick is aiming a sniper at him and someone wearing gloves is pinning Molly against the wall. Next week, is when it all ends. #WHOKILLEDMOLLY? Let me know what your final killer predictions are.

About the Author - Nick Manesis
Nick is a neuroscience student in Brighton, one of most sunny and hip places in the UK. Most of all he loves badgering his friends about Grey’s Anatomy, Pretty Little Liars, Game of Thrones and the rest of his favourite TV series. Member of STV since June 2016 and could not be any happier now that he gets to write TV reviews. Goes under the alias of "holyvanderjesus" on Disqus, Tumblr and Twitter.
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