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2016 Character Cup - Round 2C

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Note #1 -If you already read this in Round 2B, skip to the polls. It's the exact same thing.

Note #2 - Today's polls will be split into 2 posts for labeling purposes. The first one is already posted. See the link below. Please check both out so you don't miss voting for anyone. The TV Talk Topic of the day will remain the same for both. Questions? Hit the comments below.

Welcome back to the 2016 Character Cup. I am sorry that the 2B polls were delayed but last night I was going through the poll stats and noticed several voting discrepancies in one poll. I then checked all the polls and found suspicious voting on a couple of others. Unbeknownst to me, the polling software was also tracking suspicious activity in all 3 days of the Cup so far. When I woke up, they had already taken out several of the cheating votes and as a result the outcomes of 2 polls have changed. Vanessa Ives and Alicia Clark have actually lost their first rounds, but while Sameen Shaw had over 1,000 votes discounted, she still won her round. Unfortunately, this poll has to be run again anyway because it should have been between Shaw and Scully instead of Shaw and Ives.

I apologize to everyone in ALL fandoms who voted legitimately. The majority of all people voting do respect the rules and run a clean contest. Sadly, it only takes a couple of people to ruin the fun for everyone. It's a shame because not only do they look bad but they make their show and their fandom look bad too. That's not fair because most people in any given fandom are awesome. If you do happen to come across someone encouraging people to cheat, please either ask them to stop or let me know. I would certainly hope this would not happen again and the rest of the Character Cup would proceed smoothly, but I cannot guarantee it. If you notice a discrepancy in the scores from what I post, please let me know. This may (or may not) be what happened in the Episode Competition too when another poll had to be re-run. Just know that we are doing our best to make sure every poll is accurate.

Mini-Contest - Now that that unpleasantness is covered, let's move to more positive things. Nominations for the Favorite Villain mini-contest open today for about 36-48 hours. This will give me time to tabulate the nominations and get the contest ready to go for round 4. Please remember that villains from the remaining 8 shows still represented in the Character Cup in round 4 will not be eligible for the mini-contest. Its purpose is to engage fandoms that are no longer represented. You can name up to 3 favorite villains but only one per show. If you have any questions, please hit the comments below.

Prediction Contest - MariaSol moves to the lead in our prediction contest with 38 points. Great job! In second is Pixip with 36 points and tied with 35 points are Madeline, Kirov, and Saoirse. Nice work, everyone.

Wish List Contest - Currently Silver should be the happiest with how things are going with a score of 34 points. RN has 31, while MariSol has 30 points. Glad things are going your way.

Stats Page
Round 1A / 1B / 1C / 1D
Round 2A
Round 2B

Today's TV Talk Topic: TV Wish Lists

A magic genie grants you 5 wishes (or a long-lost billionaire relative buys you your own network for those less into fantasy) to do anything you want in TV, providing it falls within FCC standards (so no porn). Standard Aladdin rules apply - no wishing for more wishes, no resurrecting the dead (unless it fits within the genre or you can find a plausible explanation), and no making someone fall in love with you. So what do you wish for? If you want, you can make 2 wish lists: one pure fantasy and another more realistic.

Nominations - Favorite Villains

About the Author - Dahne
One part teacher librarian - one part avid TV fan, Dahne is a contributing writer for SpoilerTV, where she recaps, reviews, and/or creates polls for Teen Wolf, The 100, How to Get Away with Murder, The Librarians, and others. She also runs the annual Character Cup. She's addicted to Twitter, live tweets a multitude of shows each week, and co-hosts The 100 "Red-Shirted" and Teen Wolf "Welcome to Beacon Hills" podcasts for Southgate Media Group. Currently she writes a Last Week in TV column for her blog and SpoilerTV. ~ "I speak TV."
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