Previously on Guilt:
The press is driving Grace “crazy”, Patrick finds Linley but Linley's wife kills him before Patrick has a chance to and Roz comes up with a way to get the money Finch is asking. Guilt may not have dragons or three-eyed ravens but it does have Roz Rainbow locks and she is proving to be the best player in the murder game.
She is crying. Murderers can't cry because they do not have tear ducts. Case closed.In the aftermath of the last episode, DS Bruno arrives at the scene of the crime and takes Linley’s wife in for questioning while Patrick is running away into the woods. Beatrice is in tears and claims that Patrick came in and shot her husband. LIES AND MORE LIES.
Back at the hotel, Grace is bug-eyed and volatile after staying up all night reading hateful comments online. My top picks are “Die you little bitch”, “Someone should slice your throat” and my personal favourite: “Go back to the U.S!”, which really stings. Natalie, who by this point has given up and doesn’t know what to do with her sister anymore, wakes up to the sound of Grace throwing her phone across the room. She gives her some sleeping pills to calm her down.
James gets a call from Molly’s phone but dead girls can't call, can they? With a distorted voice, Roz blackmails him by asking for 30,000£ to be added to her account in exchange for the phone. James tries to intimidate her but Roz doesn’t give a shit because she knows he’ll be the one in danger if the photo is sent to the police. Why was James taking Molly to a meeting with the Russian mafia? I do not know but maybe we’ll find out later on.
Beatrice Linley keeps on weaving the web of lies about what happened that night and what’s confusing, initially, is that she’s still covering for him. She claims her husband had nothing to do with the other girl’s death and she presents proof in the form of a suicide letter she received.
A letter DS Bruno simply assumes to be legitimate, despite the fact that it could have been fabricated REALLY easily. C’mon guys. This is Murder Soap 101. She asks if she can go visit Linley at the hospital because he’s still alive somehow. Bruno orders an arrest warrant for Patrick.
Speaking of whom, by all means please punch everyone in your way but for the love of god don’t knock over our rubbish bins. Brexit clearly has got everyone in the UK frazzled. I’m not sure why Patrick couldn’t afford to buy hydrogen peroxide, is it because he’s IRISH?

How am I supposed to go on twitter with all these GOT spoilers? They are everywhere Luc.Grace is still pacing up and down in the hotel and she calls Luc because all she can think about is what the internet is saying about her. He’s all like “Don’t worry Honey, I will come and protect you and you will forget about everything” in his exaggerated French accent but she doesn’t want him here because the press will probably use it against her.
James consults with Stan about the caller who’s blackmailing him and tells him he never imagined working with criminals when he built his company yet here he is now. Apparently, according to Stan, Molly Ryan was also blackmailing him… interesting.
Roz gets in touch with Stan who is adamant about not paying her in her fancy bitcoins, he will give her the money in cash on the second deck of the bus from Camden. Roz does have the leverage to make terms but she’d rather get the money than ruin James’s life for free. Kaley is worried but Roz reassures her she’s got it #handled.
Natalie wants to get Grace out of London to escape the “Obnoxious British press crawling up her ass”. Wow, Natalie, I’m sorry. Obnoxious compared to what? The American press? Fox news? Which is discreet, polite and unbiased?
Natalie informs Stan they need to get her passport asap so that she can go back to work and Grace can be in a more healthy environment. Not everyone can afford to fly home to America to avoid a murder trial but this isn’t a show about everyone and it’s what makes it fun to watch.
At the New Scotland Yard we here techy computer sounds that don’t exist in real life. DS Bruno has tracked Patrick’s movements and DCI Pike flashes him with Linley’s dick pic, found on a burner in his primary residence.
Apparently, this is his "rock hard alibi" (his words not mine) since it was taken at 2:37 am while Molly was killed around 2:45. Bruno is worried that if he dies, Patrick would have killed an innocent man. Hmmmmm pretty sure this isn’t how the law works. Just because someone may be guilty doesn’t mean you can just walk into their house and murder them.
When Gwen comes home Patrick grabs her and covers her mouth with his bleeding knuckles. Babe, is there any other way you know to enter a room that doesn’t include a jump scare? This is why everyone thinks you’re dodge.
He tells her he didn’t shoot Linley and sniffs the back of her hair. Gwen this is NOT cool, even if he’s right you should not be trusting him. She calls Bruno and puts him on speaker while she takes care of his gunshot wound.
Natalie comes back to the hotel with Grace nowhere to be seen. Where did grace fuck off to now? The camera pans under the best to reveal her box of sleeping pills that’s completely empty. Grace OD’d but do not worry, the NHS is on it.

"You’re a brilliant, charming, independent woman who says and does exactly as she pleases", says the obsessive cheating pimp prince. WHO IS HIS MOM? IS IT ELIZABETH?Prince Theo and his hairless chiselled abs, who’s by far my favourite part of this show because he’s the slimiest one of them all, is worried that his ties with Molly will ruin his engagement. His butler (A black butler… really?) says there’s nothing to worry about, she was well compensated to not say anything. But was she carrying Theo’s royal firstborn?
At the hospital, Natalie’s approached by a woman who just steals a chart and a pen from the nurses desk and starts asking her questions. SHE AIN'T THE DR SHE'S THAT REPORTER FROM THE MEMORIAL. Pretty sure this is illegal…
Vena Pattel couldn’t be any more obvious as she asks if Grace was guilty about something she had done. “Sometimes that can trigger a suicide attempt”, she says as her eyes glimmer with joy. Natalie realises who she is and basically calls her a hopeless and talentless fraud.
Patrick tells Gwen about his mom back at home and how he needs to get justice for their family. Gwen says that he believes him but he knows she’s lying.
He feels really betrayed when he sees that she’s been on the phone with Bruno this whole time but like I’m sorry Paddy, what did you expect? Don’t blame her for trynna stay safe and alive in this murderous town. So he runs out, covered in blood which helps no one including himself and in the end Bruno arrests him
While everyone is losing it, Roz is not just one but two steps ahead of everyone. She’s sitting at the back of the bus wearing a preppy blazer and glasses while Stan is sitting two seats in front of her. Stan’s eyes are locked on the guy Roz has paid to pick up the money.
He doesn’t really inspire confidence and when he gets up to leave with the bag Stan grabs him from the back and demands to know who he’s working for. A pack of lads chanting "Manchester!" walk up the stairs and see all this and snatch the bag and the phone from his hands. Stan gets outsmarted AND head-butted.

A girl has no name.YES LADS!!!! SAVE THE DAY. GET ALL THE MONEY AND GO TO NANDOS. Roz looks at them running away with the backpack but as we later find out, she was the one who told the lads to get on that bus. She is WINNING the game.
Grace wakes up after having her stomach pumped and Natalie who's been a nervous wreck hugs her. Grace explains she just couldn’t stop hearing the haters. (I couldn’t have made this line up even if I wanted to)
Natalie tells her she should get some rest and Grace immediately looks at the black rectangle of doom and death that is her phone. She asks her to get her a banana smoothie as an excuse to go on her phone again.
After telling James it’s all been taken care of (which it hasn’t), Stan receives a “Media Alert” of Grace’s Livestream. Stan’s reaction to this sums up mine as well. Teen girl makes a live stream in order to exonerate herself of murder. THIS ISN’T WHAT MILLENNIALS DO, I SWEAR.
Instead of talking about the stigma that follows mental health illness or how girls are always pitted against each other, she talks about how everyone makes mistakes and that they can keep hating on her all they want. Is Stan actually impressed by this? Apparently. Where is she even posting this?
With a lot of over exposition, Pike and Bruno uncover that Patrick did, in fact, have nothing to do with Linley getting shot. It was all Beatrice and they let her walk right of there. She creeps into Grace’s hospital room to finish her off. “Are you my nurse?” Molly asks. Not quite.
Grace not only recognises her but apologises for putting her in the hospital after slashing her husband’s tires. Mrs. Linley recounts the times Linley had an affair, all 80 of them. She’s fed up of being a fool at his expense and that’s why she ended up killing him.

Two can keep a secret if one of them is dead.Grace asks her if it felt better now that she killed him, which is not a very healthy reaction to finding out the woman in front of you has committed a murder, I must say. This somehow changes Mrs. Linley's mind and she decides to spare Grace's life. They smile at each other like weird soul sisters as she’s taken into custody by the police.
Bruno finds Nat who jokes about Grace almost being killed by a crazy woman. Maybe you should take mental health illnesses less lightly when your own sister had an actual mental breakdown. The #Brunat sparks fly left and right as she breaks into tears.
Back at the University, just kidding, back at the club the lads come because the lads were working for Roz. She pays them for their trouble and gets both the money and the phone back.
Gwen lets Patrick know that he’s been cleared of most of the charges. She tells him she can’t look away just because… and then takes a big pause. Just because WHAT Gwen? Don’t even say it. She tells him to go back to Belfast and promises to punish Molly’s killer.
The show completely jumps the shark as we see Prince Theo making Bruno pasta in his kitchen. He sprinkles parmesan as if he’s about to propose to him as well. “What the hell is going on, your royal highness sir ?” Theo prides himself in being quite the cook even though he just boiled some pasta. Theo says he wanted to explain “the gravity of their situation”.
Bruno tells him to cut the small talk and skip straight to dessert (sex?). Theo says the name “Donovan Trimley” which obviously has some sort of emotional resonance and importance for Bruno even if he denies it. Theo tells him he will never lie to royalty and promises to keep his secrets if he keeps his.
Roz and Kaley are having sex in their literal piles of money and when asked how it felt, Roz exclaims “like winning”. You go girl. I’d totally watch these two robbing banks together like a queer interracial Bonnie and Clyde. Guilt writers don't even THINK about killing off Roz now or EVER.
Stan applauds Grace’s new publicity stunt calling her a “natural born spin doctor”. Please, Stan. You know Meryl Streep would just laugh at how unbelievable that performance was. The bad news is that Grace can’t go back home until she is exonerated, which is convenient for the show but not so much for Natalie.
The episode ends with Grace having a candle lit bath and basking in her newly found social media glory. I can’t help but believe getting the public to like you. We see she receives tons of tweets of support as they pop up all around the frame and one of the people tweeting “Amazing Grace” is revealed to be THE SOCK MONKEY THIEF/STALKER. Or you know... some guy with a sock monkey.

- I’m very happy that the show obviously took my advice and spent an episode focusing on the media and its effects on Grace. That being said, those mean tweets were too funny to be taken seriously and it's a shame seeing as this show is loosely based on the real-life Amanda Knox murder case. It wasn't done in a very clever way and it didn't really have any resonance since it was resolved very quickly and easily. It was nice to see a suicide prevention card before the credits roll.
- Noticed that the last frame of the episode is Grace smiling to herself while Cage the elephant sings "God don't make me lose, my mind". Very fitting.
Favourite shot/scene:
Bruno and Theo enjoying their domesticated relationship over dinner.
Favourite quote:
- Grace is losing it.Pretty much sums up the whole episode
- Really? Big surprise.
Answers to the mystery:
Linley is no longer a suspect, we see the sock monkey thief who looks about 16 years old and we learn Theo suspects Molly's baby was his.
Episode Rating: 3/5
I think that when the producers and writers came up with Guilt they made a list of things that teens supposedly like and just worked from those, rather than creating something truly original. We have attractive men showing their abs, we have love interests, we have a social media obsessed teen girl and of course lots of murder. Thankfully we also have a really enjoyable LGBT character and her GF to look forward to but the story's twists are starting to lay flat. I'd like to see flashbacks to the night of the murder if we're going to do the classic whodunit format.
Next on Guilt:
Blood Ties seems to be all about the romantic pairings of the show. Which is the thing I least enjoy in this show but... Theo's in his royal outfit so that looks promising. Make sure to tune in next week and tell me what you think in the comments below.