Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Nashville - Stop The World (And Let Me Off) - Review: "Avery Takes The Wheel"

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Nashville - Stop The World (And Let Me Off) - Review: "Avery Takes The Wheel"

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4.05 "Stop The World (And Let Me Off)"
(Directed by Jan Eliasberg , written by Meredith Lavender & Marcie Ulin)
Rating: 8/10 (B+)

Ugh, Markus Kane is the worst. I disliked him from the very beginning and this episode just further intensified my disdain for him. He has his head so far up his own ass, it's almost on top of his neck again. He's late for no reason, completely disregards everybody around him and is just straight out rude and disrespectful. He's also a massive hypocrite who throws a ridiculous tantrum which ends with Avery getting fired for doing what he was hired to do in the first place. Who cares if he wastes an hour of everyone’s time but God forbid someone makes him wait for a few minutes, the Allmighty Markus will descent upon those mere humans to unleash his idiocy and narcissism. I am not one bit surprised Markus' old band dissolved but I am amazed he managed to become an established artist being this difficult to work with. I can't. I just can't with this guy. Ugh, Markus Kane is the worst.

On the other hand, we have Layla who is slowly emerging as one of the better characters on the show. She’s coming into her own as an artist and a character. It got a little tense and confrontational with Rayna when Jeff becomes the topic of conversation but Layla’s mature admission that she loves him despite his shortcomings made it clear she isn’t looking through rose-tinted glasses when it comes to this relationship. I still can’t get on board though because I just have this feeling that Jeff will eventually do something to hurt her. I just don’t trust the guy.

"Stop The World (And Let Me Off)" is lighter in tone than the previous episodes of Season 4 and provides some much needed humor when Gunnar deliriously thinks there’s a spark between him and Emily when they simultaneously go for the milk. What the hell Gunnar? Once in Atlanta, he awkwardly word-vomits over a sound engineer named Erin but still manages to get the ball rolling with her. I was getting tired of Gunnar pining for Scarlett, so it’s nice to see he’ll be otherwise occupied in the next few episodes.
Will and Kevin get into a little fight when they watch Luke perform a song written by Will who struggles to be just a songwriter as it feels like giving up on his dream and settling for something less which hurts Kevin because that’s what he does for a living. I hope they explore this more. I’m curious if songwriting is something Kevin always wanted to do or if he merely settled for it because his sexuality would have made it much harder to become successful in the music industry.

Over at Natchez, Scarlett and Deacon clean out Beverly’s home. Deacon still gives Scarlett a hard time about the decision she made but thankfully, he quickly realizes the error in his ways when Scarlett runs off in tears getting herself drunk at a bar and calling him out for leaving her alone when pulling the plug on Beverly. These two have bottled up so much guilt and blame over her death, it’s good they finally let it out and cleared the air. I don’t think I could have watched them be at odds for much longer, so I’m glad their reconciliation wasn’t dragged out and they're back in each other's good graces.

As already mentioned, Avery's first day back at work didn't go so well. Not only does he get fired but Juliette also decides to contact him for the first time in months on the same day he signs the divorce papers and is ready to mail them to her. Throughout the day he considers his choices, consulting with Emily and his lawyer but after "working" with Markus, Avery is done, he is just done. He has enough, he reaches his breaking point and is sick and tired of repeatedly being screwed over, so he gets off the passenger seat and takes the wheel by flying over to Juliette and telling her he wants a divorce and sole custody of Cadence.
Juliette has been slowly coming to her senses, flushing the pills down the toilet and firing the toxic people she surrounded herself with, but it’s all a little too late. "Stop The World (And Let Me Off)" ends on an emotional cliffhanger that makes you wonder whether this is the moment when Juliette is finally gonna change for the better but judging by the promo for next week’s episode, Avery's ultimatum will only drive her further into the downward spiral.

Other thoughts/stuff/remarks/observations/whatever you wanna call this section:
- The song "Done" by The Band Perry came on while I was writing this review. I’d like to think Avery jammed out to it on his way back to Nashville. Poor guy needs a break.
- How many goats do I need to sacrifice to ensure Maddie isn’t pregnant?
- I never liked Luke as Rayna’s love interest but it was pretty great of him to look out for Maddie like that.
- Gunnar and Erin fervently kissing in the back while Kevin and Will are pouting was a pretty funny visual.
- I liked Gabriella and her policy of not mixing business with pleasure. She will probably end up sleeping with Jeff or Luke anyway, but y’all gotta admire a girl for trying to resist the temptation.
- "So I was reading this article.. And the way their faces are turned means they’re having sex." Oh Lindsay...
- Colt looks like Colin Farrell in his teenage years.

About the Author - Mark Ondo/LittleDreamer
21 y/o Austrian. Music lover, avid TV watcher, cheesecake muncher and pseudo writer. His taste in television is as eclectic as it gets and he dedicates more time to fictional characters than he would like to admit. He currently reviews Nashville and Togetherness, writes about various shows in Mark's Remarks and creates Best-Scene Polls for Grey's Anatomy.
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