Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Reign - Season 3 - Casting 2 New Characters + 1 Being Recast

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Reign - Season 3 - Casting 2 New Characters + 1 Being Recast

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Sources have provided to SpoilerTV information on 3 roles currently being cast for the 3rd season of Reign. These characters are as follows:

Amy Dudley
Married to Robert Dudley, Amy is concerned over her marriage. Robert spends much of his time with Elizabeth and rumors suggest that their friendship is more then just that. Despite these rumors, Amy fights to keep her marriage alive, even against impossible odds.

Robert Dudley
Married to Amy Dudley and the favorite of Elizabeth. Robert has known Elizabeth since they were children and both hide secrets known only to them. Despite wanting to move on from his past with Elizabeth, she uses her power to keep him close.

Charles IX Of France
Note: We're told that the role is being recast to give the character a much more major presence. The character originally appeared during Season 1 but did not appear during Season 2.
Charles is the Dauphin of France (next in line to the throne). Described as mischievous and a party-boy, he has recently returned from Spain to be taught by Francis. Francis' time is running out however and Charles is not interested in partaking in his lessons.

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