BANSHEE, "Even God Doesn't Know What to Make of You", March 6, 2015, Actors: Ulrich Thomsen, Matthew Rauch, Lili Simmons, The Scene: Burton and Rebecca come to Proctor's rescue
Sandi: Ulrich Thomsen stole the episode this week with his character's nerves of steel in the face of impeding death at the hands of the Black Beards due to Rebecca's secret drug dealing. His grief process has been remarkably different to Hood's, much more understated yet just as dangerous for a man in his position, as this episode proved. You cannot afford to take a back seat when you are in the business he is in, and this experience made him realise this with sharp reality. Also picked by DarkUFO
BATTLE CREEK, "The Battle Creek Way", March 1, 2015, Actors: Josh Duhamel and more, The Scene: Milt's speech to the bad guy
Laura Markus: My goodness, this pilot was comical, intense, and most surprisingly of all, emotional. I did not expect to feel something for Milton this soon. But my oh my, did his speech really touch me. I couldn't help but shed a tear at the sheer courage it took for Milt to speak to this guy like that, especially when all Russ wanted to do was shoot him. But wow, this speech was truly extraordinary. I hope Battle Creek delivers another great speech like this one again.
BETTER CALL SAUL, "Alpine Shepherd Boy", March 2, 2015, Actors: Bob Odenkirk, Rhea Seehorn and more, The Scenes: Jimmy drums up business at a nursing home & Jimmy talks to Kim about one of his clients
Tonya Papanikolas: Oh my gosh, this scene really made me laugh. Jimmy was hilarious as he charmed the seniors – and he suddenly had so much confidence. From his light blue "Matlock" suit to his plan to advertise at the bottom of Jell-O cups to his slogan (“Need a will, call McGill”), no detail was overlooked. The whole scene was hilarious - just classic. It was definitely one to remember.
Darth Locke: Jimmy imitates and tells Kim about one of his client's talking toilet inventions, all while painting her toenails.
CHASING LIFE, "Rest in Peace", March 2, 2015, Actors: Scott Michael Foster, Italia Ricci, The Scene: Leo expresses his guilt at being alive
Tonya Papanikolas: I loved this scene. Scott Michael Foster was wonderful. Leo’s fears finally erupted after being bottled up so long. I was happy to see that he finally opened up to April instead of keeping her at a distance. The dialogue was great, and the fear he expressed was a realistic one. He didn’t understand why he was still alive, not knowing what he was doing in life, while others with plans and dreams died around him. Nothing made sense to him. April’s response was wonderful, too, as she told him it wasn’t about finding a reason for everything but trusting that there was one. Then the heartfelt scene turned into a way to bring the two characters closer. You could see that Leo didn’t want to lose what he had with April and valued the depth of that relationship. He finally let her in. I love that the scene started out as honest and real and ended up being a very sweet and tender moment between these two.
GREY'S ANATOMY, "The Distance", March 5, 2015, Actors: Geena Davis, Jessica Capshaw, The Scene: Dr. Herman wakes up from surgery
Tonya Papanikolas: This was a great, emotional scene, especially after all it took to get to that point. The outcome was surprising. She was blind but alive – and she was excited to be alive, even if she had lost her sight. I never would have expected that from her character, which made it sadder but also very poignant. It was sweet to see how excited she was that Dr. Robbins had done so well in her surgery. And it was great that she wanted time alone with Arizona, just the two of them. In the end she trusted her protégé. The whole scene was sad but sweet.
Klutzy Girl: Nicole wakes up and tells Arizona that she chose well. I've been loving their friendship and I'm going to miss Geena on the show.
HAWAII FIVE 0, "Pono Kaulike (Justice for All)", March 6, 2015, Actors: Alex O'Loughlin, Teilor Grubbs, The Scene: Steve goes to see Grace after Danny is arrested
Klutzy girl: I've always loved their dynamic and him telling her that he loved her was so sweet.
HELIX, "Vade in Pace", March 6, 2015, Actors: Jim Thorburn, Steven Weber
The Scene: Caleb cuts off Michael's head with Hatake's Samurai Sword (picked by Darth Locke)
MARVEL'S AGENTS OF SHIELD, "Aftershocks", March 3, 2015, Actors: Chloe Bennet, Iain De Caestecker, The Scene: Fitz comforts Skye
Justyna K: It's great to have the show back! It was a big episode for sure, as Coulson and the team set a trap for Hydra, Skye had to adjust to her change and everyone grieved Trip. But nothing made a more powerful impression on me than the moment when Fitz comforts Skye and helps her protect her secret. It was both absolutely heartbreaking and heartwarming. It's hard to imagine how difficult it all must be for Skye, so to see someone being there for her when she needed it the most was such a beautiful scene. Both actors did a wonderful job! And I loved the words Fitz chose to comfort his friend. Leo knows how lonely and scary it is to be different, so suddenly, and him saying that it's okay to change like that, there's nothing wrong about it, was not only exactly what Skye needed to hear but it meant a lot to hear it from Fitz who had such a hard time managing his new condition. The two have a lovely friendship, so I'm glad we're getting to see more of it. Also, Fitz is the best. Kudos!
Klutzy girl: Fitz covers for Skye and protects her after discovering that she has powers. It was such a sweet moment and I loved the hug and him reassuring her that "There's nothing wrong with different". Looking forward to seeing what happens next! Also picked by Bradley Adams and Nirat Anop
Pablozky21: Though I'm not Shield biggest fan, I've been warming up to it this season; the storylines are better and I'm connecting with the characters far more than before. It is really sweet to see Fitz comforting Skye after covering up for her, he knows what's to change and so it makes sense what he says "you're just different, and that's fine." It makes for a really poignant moment, and it is really earned.
ONCE UPON A TIME, "Darkness On The Edge Of Town", March 1, 2015, Actors: Ginnifer Goodwin, Victoria Smurfit, Merrin Dungey, The Scene: Snow threatens Cruella and Ursula
Nirat Anop: This secret is bringing out a new and darker side to Snow which I find fascinating. I really want to find out what kind of secret would cause Snow and Charming to be so worried.
SCANDAL, "The Lawn Chair", March 5, 2015, Actors: Kerry Washington, Tony Goldwyn, Courtney B. Vance, The Scene: Olivia takes Clarence to visit Fitz
Nirat Anop: Olivia takes the father of the boy who was shot, Clarence, to visit Fitz. Such a beautiful and moving scene, two fathers who've lost a son come together. Clarence just broke down to tears and Fitz hugging him was touching. It to me was a sign of hope, that yes, in reality, this dedicated and loving father may have in fact been shot but there's hope that not everyone has to die for some kind of justice to prevail. This father was only doing what any other father would do, stand up for his child and without his perseverance, he truth may have never been brought to light.
SUITS, "Not Just a Pretty Face", March 4, 2015, Actors: Gabriel Macht, Billy Miller, The Scene: Harvey's talk with his brother Marcus
Laura Markus: Although one of the shortest scenes of the week, this was by far my favourite. We got to see a glimpse into Harvey's family life and that is always great to see. Learning more and more about what makes Harvey tick is nice. We find out Marcus has a gambling problem, and Harvey can't help but blame himself for this. That was honestly so sweet to see, because I never thought about Harvey being that way. I hope we see more of Marcus in the future.
THE 100, "Blood Must Have Blood, Part One", March 4, 2015, Actors: Marie Avgeropoulos, Bob Morley, Eliza Taylor and more, The Scenes: Octavia refuses to leave without her brother & Lexa betrays Clarke & Octavia, Bellamy and Clarke stay all by their own
Justyna K: In the episode where I could honestly pick any scene as the best one, Octavia's decision to stay behind was still the most memorable moment of the hour for me. I realized that I already had a chance to talk about Clarke's, Jasper's, Kane's and Bellamy's change and character development but I haven't really said a lot about Octavia, and I'm so impressed to see how far she's come since the beginning of the show. She's been trying to find her home for so long and it seemed she finally found her place with the Grounders, as Indra's second. Despite her often being more like a Grounder and less like someone from the Ark lately, Octavia never lost her good heart, her beliefs or the way she takes care and protects her loved ones. She has become a fighter with a strong spirit and is now one of my favorite characters. Her relationship with her brother is probably the best one on the show for me. Her choice, to give up everything she earned, to stay and help Bellamy and the others in Mount Weather, was brave, tragic, beautiful and so very much like Octavia. I think it's one of my all-time favorite scenes with her and kudos to Marie Avgeropoulos for her wonderful performance in the episode. I hope we'll see at least a few beautiful reunions in the finale, a little hope for the darkest of days for our heroes. Kudos to cast and crew for such an incredible job they're doing with this show!
Daniel van der Veer: End scene with Octavia, Bellamy and Clarke all by their own. Wow, The 100 once again manages to shock me with Lexa's awful betrayal. Clarke's reaction was devastating to see, and she has no idea what to do next. It was heartbreaking to see her stare at Mount Weather all by herself. Fortunately, there's still Octavia who is not leaving her brother behind. This was one beautiful scene! Also picked by Bradley Adams
Pablozky21: Lexa betrays Clarke: The 100 does it again! Just when things seems to take a predictable route the show goes and turns the tables. After everything Lexa and Clarke have been through I would have never guessed she would turn on her. I was in shock. It wasn't out of character, it makes complete sense for Lexa to choose her people over the sky people, and she is known for making decisions with her head, but man that was so cold it still surprised me! And the consequences are devastating for everyone. Eliza Taylor and Alycia Debnam Carey owned the scene with their terrific acting skills and they make sure this becomes a memorable moment. Also picked by Robert Fruin
THE AMERICANS, "Born Again", March 4, 2015, Actors: Keri Russell, Matthew Rhys
The Scene: Philip and Elizabeth smoke a joint together (picked by DarkUFO and Darth Locke)
THE MIDDLE, "Flirting with Disaster", March 4, 2015, Actors: Atticus Shaffer, Eden Sher, The Scene: Brick and Sue have a heart to heart
Pablozky21: Sue and Brick have a heart to heart in the car - Brick's character is quirky, we as an audience know it, his family knows him, and he knows him himself. As such, he feels he isn't understood by anyone which is truly sad, and just as he and Sue bond over his favorite book "Planet Nowhere" and go to its con, Brick realizes that Sue is soon to go to college and as such he is about to lose the only person who has been able to step into his own little word. When he was saying all that I got teary eyes, and I got to smile once Sue comforted him by saying that she will always recieve him on her place on college and that unlike Axl, it is a must that family visits. The Middle is a show that can deliver truly beautiful scenes in little self contained scenes like this, and that's what makes it such a great show. At the end of the day, the show always makes me smile, and it speaks for everyone who has felt a misfit or has endured troubles with their families; everyone in the family is different, but through acceptance is that family love really emerges and The Middle gets the essence of that. So remind me, why hasn't this comedy been awarded with an emmy or a golden globe? It should. Also picked by Robert Fruin
THE MUSKETEERS, "The Prodigal Father", March 6, 2015, Actors: Alexandra Dowling, Marc Warren, Tamla Kari, The Scene: Rochefort attacks Queen Anne
Justyna K: It was brutal, creepy and intense, and I couldn't possibly not mention this scene in the article. It was so well acted by Alexandra Dowling and Marc Warren that it made everything seem even more powerful and insane. Rochefort telling Anne how he feels, with tears in his eyes, only to become so unbelievably cold and furious that he attacks her was a horrifying view. Anne finding out the truth about who he is and fighting back, eventually stabbing him in the eye, changes everything. I couldn't imagine a more shocking ending to the episode and I can't wait to see how the Queen (and Aramis) are going to get out of it! Rochefort's revenge will surely be a cruel one and with the finale so close, the anticipation couldn't be any higher now. I loved seeing Constance getting there just in time to help and Anne bravely fighting for herself. Those two and their friendship are one of the biggest highlights of the season for me. Can't wait to see the conclusion of this year's story. Kudos!
Sandi: Marc Warren has been superb as this year's villain, yet this scene was the best yet. He and Alexandra Dowling gave us a performance that I don't think anyone was expecting, exceptional acting from both of them. The desperate baring of his soul to Anne was incredibly moving, albeit creepy and uncomfortable to watch. Rochefort's obsession with the Anne has bubbled over into a jealous rage now that he knows Aramis has had the love that he will never get. The change in demeanour at his "No-one will come if you call" was just chilling. Ending the struggle with Constance saving the day, and the foreshadowing of the now traditional eye-patch for Rochefort, made this a fantastic cliff-hanger for the finale to come.
THE WALKING DEAD, "Remember", March 1, 2015, Actors: Andrew Lincoln, Tovah Feldshuh
The Scene: Rick's Interview (picked by DarkUFO, Bradley Adams and Robert Fruin)