Directed by: Andy Hay
Written by: Marnie Dickens & Adrian Hodges
Air date: 20 February 2015
Reviews so far:
Episode 2.01 "Keep Your Friends Close"
Episode 2.02 "An Ordinary Man"
Episode 2.03 "The Good Traitor"
Episode 2.04 "Emilie"
Episode 2.05 "The Return"
Milady de Winter - There were so many incredible moments for all the fan favorite characters, yet Milady almost stole the episode for me in a few short scenes. She's both a fascinating and a very complex person which often makes her actions unpredictable and entertaining. And in case anyone was wondering what it would be like if she was on the Musketeers' side the answer can be found in this episode - she's a valuable ally and in a way, quite a perfect match for Athos. If I was more of a shipper I would probably be rooting for them after this hour. It's hard not to notice how intense and absolutely brilliant are their interactions. Every little moment with the two was among my favorite scenes of the episode. And the fact that in the end Milady managed to earn Athos' respect, despite their tumultuous past kind of sums up her actions the best. I loved seeing this different, brave and helpful, side of Milady and would surely like it to last for as long as possible. Also, she and Athos had the best lines!
Athos - Athos is such a great character, his comments and looks he exchanges with others are always spot on. It was nice to see his support for Treville but even better to watch them team up with Milady. It's impossible not to notice he still has feelings for her. Love and hate in his case are very much entangled together. Another memorable aspect of his character in the episode? The way Athos cares about his fellow Musketeers, even if he doesn't always show it. His short conversations with Aramis and Porthos, making sure they're both okay and his smile at the end at the sight of d'Artagnan and Constance are exactly the kind of things that make him a great friend. And we couldn't have asked for a better actor to portray this Athos than Tom Burke who wonderfully embraces all the different sides of the Musketeer.
Treville - I'm glad to see Treville is acknowledging his mistake in the season two premiere. Couldn't have agreed more with his statement where he admits how he regrets the fact he refused the King's offer to be his right hand. It's beyond ridiculous how much Louis is ignoring all the Musketeers' achievements and bravery at this point and only awards and trusts Rochefort. It's great to see Treville still being called Captain by his men and acting as always as their smart and thoughtful leader. I'm certainly worried about him in the next episode after watching the promo. Hopefully he'll be fine and him and Porthos will finally make a progress in their story, with the possibility of the secret about Porthos' family being revealed.
Porthos - Porthos just has to be the strongest, the most honest and reliable of the Musketeers. Gotta love this guy. And despite there only being a few short moments with him and Aramis they were still my favorite duo of the hour. Porthos' faith in his friend's survival and his relieved and happy look when they were reunited, were both truly heartwarming. Poor Porthos had the bad luck to got stuck with Rochefort this week. Loved the contrast between them, though, how it took four men to stop Porthos and only one to imprison Rochefort. Their interactions were a very interesting change. I only wish Porthos wasn't so in the dark when it comes to Aramis' secrets. He accidentally discovered a part of Rochefort's plan about The Queen and The King but doesn't know its true meaning. Hopefully things will become much clearer soon.
Aramis - Aramis' heroic efforts to save the Queen and their baby were one of my favorite things about the episode. After the promo, we all knew about his fall, but it didn't really make the moment less shocking and hard for me to watch, when he was thrown out the window by Marmion for simply suggesting (as one would in this situation) to have mercy and let the women and the child go. Really sudden and horrifying every single time, especially considering everyone's reaction to it. And as if that wasn't enough, he just had to climb the outside walls of the fort the moment he woke up. That had to be a tough scene to shoot! Also, like I already mentioned, I loved all his little moments with Porthos, their friendship is always a highlight for me. It was great to see him root for D'Artagnan and Constance at the end with the rest. Both happy for his friends and a little hopeful that even the most impossible couples have a chance for joyful moments like this one. Of course, Aramis worrying about his loved ones during the episode made him completely miss Marguerite and that's not a good thing at all. She'll surely remember this in the near future. Looks like everything has a potential to change in the next episode. Can't wait!
Queen Anne - Queen Anne's strength through the situation, despite being absolutely terrified, really impressed me. As did her understanding of Aramis and Marguerite's "relationship". She realizes the impossibility of their position and takes advantage of all the little moments she gets. It was such a lovely view when she showed Aramis the baby and left the little one in his arms for protection. This was the first time they both got to be parents to their son and sadly it probably won't happen again anytime soon. Even though their situation is quite a heartbreaking tragedy, they do seem stronger together at the times like these and I always enjoy their interactions. However they really have to work on being less obvious about their feelings in front of others. I'd be surprised if Marguerite didn't figure out there's something between them. And finally, a shout-out to Anne and Constance! Loved how great friends they've become.
Rochefort - Rochefort's obsession only gets stronger this week and we get a confirmation that he plans to get rid of the King when he's ready. He actually believes the Queen has feelings for him which only makes me really worried for what he's going to do once he finds out about Aramis and Anne. And the next episode's promo doesn't bode well for them. He's certainly smart about some things, he knew exactly what to do to end this hour as the hero in King's eyes and he didn't hesitate to take the final shot. It was definitely interesting to see him interact with Porthos, they don't actually know anything about each other and because there's no sympathy between them it was an unusual, but successful choice to put them in the cellar together. It ended up being a good opportunity to see things from Rochefort's perspective and learn about his time in Spanish prison.
King Louis - The King is annoying, shows no gratitude towards the Musketeers, blames them for everything that goes wrong, blindly trusts Rochefort and learns nothing. Nothing new, then. However, I did like how much he cared about keeping baby safe, even the Queen to some extent. I find it interesting how he has a way of always coming back to her. Not in a romantic sense, of course, but because of her constant friendship, kindness and loyalty he goes to her for support at the end, like he used to back in season one. He treats her horribly when it comes to his mistresses but there's still an understanding of sorts between the two. Also, I have to say, Ryan Gage was absolutely fantastic in his scenes with Leo Gregory. Both actors played their parts perfectly and made the entire situation all the more intense and engaging. Louis' breakdown was a heartbreaking view but the truth about Marmion's family was worse. The line "YOU starved us to death out of sheer indifference" stayed in my memory. Once again we get a proof of how little the King cares and thinks about his people. Not even wanting Milady (or anyone) to get free if has to stay behind and suffer. What a sad truth about this character. And a stunning performance by the actor.
D'Artagnan - Speaking of great performances, I absolutely loved Luke Pasqualino's in the scene where D'Artagnan offers to take Constance's place and sacrifice his life. The two were truly heartbreaking in this moment, which only made the final scene more beautiful to watch. I'm glad we're getting to see quite a lot of D'Artagnan's interactions with the King. Of all the Musketeers, he's the one with the biggest potential to impress Louis and show him what they can do at this point. And I'd be happy to see the progress like that. It was great to watch D'Artagnan trying to talk to Marmion and help the situation. Even though he couldn't get through to him, his words helped Marmion's brother make his own choice and save D'Artagnan's life. It was a very powerful and in the end a fantastic episode for the youngest of our Musketeers. He had to witness the deadly game and it almost cost him his life but eventually he got a second chance with the one he loves most. And for a little while, at least, I'm so glad we can be happy with him.
Constance - Last but definitely not least. Constance was certainly one of the brightest stars of this episode. She truly is one of the bravest people on the show and she confronted Marmion with just the right things to say when she was about to die. And in the end, she took the biggest risk of them all, she gave her and D'Artagnan a second chance and decided to fight for their future, no matter how hard and impossible it may seem. It was such a beautiful scene and much happier than I expected to see. I couldn't help but think it might be the beginning of the end for her character on the show. I really wish it's only a bad feeling and I will end up being completely wrong. For now, it was one of the best episodes for Constance, her courage, strength, will to fight, kindness, understanding and hopefulness only made me a bigger fan of the character. Now, let's all wish for a happy ending for her and D'Artagnan and go back to re-watch the scene (and the episode) a few more times.
Notes, thoughts and quotes:
Best Character: Milady de Winter - This one was quite an impossible choice this week as all our heroes were perfectly brave and at their best, but in the end, I wanted to give a shout-out to Milady. The fact she managed to earn Athos' respect says it all.
Best Action: The Musketeers with Milady and Rochefort come to the rescue
Best Team: Athos & Milady & Treville
Best Duo: Aramis and Porthos
Best Fun to Watch Duo: Athos and Milady
Most Intense Duo: King Louis and Marmion
Most Tragic: Marmion talks about his family
Most Joyful: All the Reunions / Constance and d'Artagnan at the end
Most Heroic: Aramis climbs the fort's walls and saves the Queen and their baby
Most Quotable: Milady, Runner up: Athos
Memorable quotes:
1. Milady: "Aramis is dead, the King is in terrible danger, but by all means let's discuss my moral character. We have all day."
2. Marmion (to Milady): "You may go." Louis: "I forbid it! If the King cannot have his freedom, no-one can!"
3. D'Artagnan: "We can do anything if we dare, Constance." Constance: "Do you really believe that?" D'Artagnan: "Always."
4. Marmion (to Louis): "It wasn't infection that killed us. It was hunger. YOU starved us to death out of sheer indifference."
5. Athos: "That was either a wounded bull... or Porthos."
6. Milady: "So, that is the reward for virtue. To be left with nothing." Athos: "Not entirely. You have my respect." Milady: "Once upon a time that might have been important to me."
Favorite to Least Favorite Season 2 Episodes Ranking:
1. Through a Glass Darkly - No doubts about it. I watched it three times already (I never do that!) and will probably re-watch it quite often. A perfect character driven episode and such a powerful story with amazing performances from the entire cast. With just the best scenes for every fan of the show.
2. Emilie
3. An Ordinary Man
4. The Return
5. Keep Your Friends Close
6. The Good Traitor
In case you haven't read it yet, you can find Sandi's preview for the next episode here. Don't miss all new The Musketeers which airs on Friday 27th February at 9pm on BBC 1 in the UK, and on February 28 at 9pm on BBC America!
And now, what did you think about "Through a Glass Darkly"? Any favorite scenes/quotes in the episode?