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Banshee - We Were All Someone Else Yesterday - Advance Preview + Dialogue Teasers

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There’s no question that last week’s instalment has become the most talked about in the history of the show, and for many it has been the most upsetting one to date. While I have to admit that I found the last few scenes gut wrenching to get through, I did just about manage to keep my composure. This episode however is the one that finally broke me, a couple of times. I recommend you have tissues on standby, and maybe some hard liquor too if that’s your thing. The aftermath and grief felt at Siobhan’s death, and to some extent Leah’s too, hits the residents of Banshee as hard as it did its fans.

The opening lines to the episode are ones that we heard Leah recite on her death bed, The Lord’s Prayer. I’m sure that it’s not a coincidence that the point we cut away from Siobhan’s funeral is the same as when Emily started translating Leah last week. “As we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation.” These words are sage advice indeed for Hood and Proctor as they both work through their period of mourning in very different ways for the rest of the season. But this is Banshee, where things are done a little differently. No-one, least of all Hood, is going to forgive Chayton for what he has done and Proctor has always just taken whatever he desires, whenever he wants.

The Camp Genoa heist plans are coming together but with Hood’s head not in the game it could all be for nothing. With the FBI taking over the search for Chayton restricting the BSD to merely observers in the whole operation it’s no wonder he feels so helpless. Job, however, knows his partner better than anybody, and the only way to stop him languishing in despair is to motivate him into ending this his own way. When it comes down to it though Hood doesn’t go with a quick execution and instead can’t resist an approach intended to share the torment he is feeling inside. It’s understandable that he’d want to twist the knife and watch him suffer - I know many fans have been calling for a slow and painful death for the character too. Yet it’s also inevitable that this will give Chayton a chance to escape...for now.

We haven’t seen a great deal of Rebecca so far, chicken run and van burning aside, but this changes as we enter the second half of the season. It’s fair to say that her uncle is going through a difficult time. The death of a parent can be a life altering experience for many, causing you to seek the answers to questions in unusual places. The upshot of this is that it leaves her with more freedom and control over the business in his absence. Of course, it remains to be seen if this is actually a good idea or not given her rashness when dealing with Jim Cage in Snakes and Whatnot. I'm not complaining though, more Lili Simmons is always a good thing as far as I'm concerned, I feel like I have been missing her this season somewhat.

We Were All Someone Else Yesterday airs Friday February 13 at 10:00 ET/PT on Cinemax, below are some teasers to see you through until then. If you want to have a guess at who said what leave a comment below and I will fill in any correct ones on Friday. Don’t forget to come back and vote in our poll after the episode and let us know what you thought.

UPDATE Feb 12 - There's been some great guesses this week in the comments so I've updated the quotes early with all the correct ones so far. I'll fill in the missing three names if they're guessed by tomorrow evening.

“I miss what we had, and I know you miss it too” Stowe to Carrie

“Now you don’t work for anybody, pack your shit and go” Rebecca to Savoy employee

“That guy, he never knew what hit him. How much you score?” Handsome stranger to Deva

“What I need is for the two of us to go find that fucker and make him pay for what he did to her” Brock to Hood

“I know this guy killed one of your own and I am sympathetic to that, that’s why you’ve been invited along” FBI to Hood

“You’ll learn things about me that you won’t like” Proctor to Emily

“Sounds like you’re sticking up for that piece of shit” Hood to Aimee

“Whatever you hear, I don’t wanna talk about it” Carrie to Job

“The Feds have operational command, don’t make this harder than it needs to be” Gordon to Hood

“Come Monday, I’m being sworn in as the new Sheriff” Real Lucas Hood to Sugar and Hood

About the Author - Sandi
Sandi is part of the Senior Staff at SpoilerTV having been a contributor from back in the Lost days of DarkUFO, and who now writes previews for Banshee, The Musketeers, Atlantis, and other BBC shows. She also enjoys watching and commenting on other shows such as Sons of Anarchy, Hannibal, Game of Thrones and Elementary.
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