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Arrow - Marc Guggenheim Gives An Update On The Huntress

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Hey all.

First, thanks to the many, many, many — MANY — people on Tumblr and Twitter who’ve reached out to ask me about if, when, and how the amazingly talented and simply amazing Jessica De Gouw would be returning to Arrow.

And thank you for being patient with me as I continued to promise this update.

I have good news, bad news, and wait-and-see news.

First, the bad news…
We’d been discussing an episode that would return Helena Bertinelli to Arrow for Season 3, but it didn’t come together for a variety of reasons having nothing to do with Jessica or her willingness to return. As most of you know, despite doing 23 episodes a season — god help me — we still somehow manage to run out of room to tell certain stories (e.g., Felicity’s parents). Unfortunately, Helena’s episode in Season 3 was one of those casualties of our lack of real estate. We value Jessica and the character she created too much to waste both of them on a story we can’t give proper attention to.

Now for the good news…
Tomorrow, Helena/The Huntress will make her return to Arrow in comics form as part of our ongoing Season 2.5 series. Unlike her previous appearance in 2.5, this time the Huntress’ return is not a hoax, not a dream, and not a hallucination.

The story is in canon and will feature — spoiler alert — the first “on screen” meeting between these two ladies since Ep. 1x17:

Helena’s return with begin (full disclosure and spoiler alert in the last panel of tomorrow’s Arrow Season 2.5, Chapter 13. Available for (shameless plug alert) pre-order here:

(These next group of chapters are also probably the most Olicity-oriented stories we’ve done for Season 2.5, as we’re laying the pipe towards Oliver and Felicity’s — spoiler for those who haven’t seen Ep. 3x01 yet — first date.)

As for the wait-and-see news…

Arrow has officially been picked up for a fourth season and we’ve still got a kick-ass idea for a Helena story.

Thank your for your continued attention and watching. You guys are awesome.

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