This Thread has now been replaced by our new Daily Thread Discussions.
Hey All,
Over the last few weeks we've noticed a number of comment threads going vastly off-topic. Whilst we want to encourage you all to chat and talk here at SpoilerTV we have to ensure that the comments for specific articles stay on topic for the benefit of all our readers.
So today we're launching The SpoilerTV Open Discussion Thread here.
This is a single article where you can chat/talk about anything you like as long as the comments still abide by our Comments Policy. ie the comments will still be moderated and if you break the rules your comments will be removed and in severe cases banned.
So if you want to go off-topic great, but please do so here in this thread in the comments below.
Thank you.
Note: A link to this thread will be added shortly to the menu at the top of the page and the post itself will be regularly push near the top of the article list on the homepage.
We hope you enjoy this ability to discuss anything you like on the site, so comment away....