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The Musketeers - An Ordinary Man - Advance Preview & Dialogue Teasers

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After last week’s set up we move on to what at starts out as a far more light-hearted episode. King Louis has decided that even his favourite pastime of hunting is boring him and he wants to try something new. Hence one of the footmen is instructed to hand over his clothes as a disguise and the Musketeers are commanded to show him how the commoners of Paris spend an evening. Cue plenty of quaffing of ales, bawdy fights and dubious card games - this is one of the most entertaining pre-credits teasers the show has had so far. Until things go horribly wrong...

I’m sure it’s no secret that the King is one of my favourite characters, so I’m delighted that Ryan Gage has this chance to showcase a side to his character that we rarely see. He and Luke Pasqualino are both remarkable, the highs and lows their characters share together make for some unmissable TV. Partnering him with the d'Artagnan is a very deliberate manoeuvre too I believe. One of the main themes of the season is explored in greater detail throughout the episode, and the two of them share a similar experience which may not seem obvious at first. The aftereffects of these incidents have made them very different people however. These contrasting values and life lessons will no doubt play a large part in Rochefort’s future plan for the country too.

This week also sees the very welcomed return of Milady. I missed Maimie McCoy in Keep Your Friends Close, but can see why they kept her back until now. After the threat Athos laid down last season her reappearance deserves a fuller explanation than time would have allowed. She hasn’t been having the greatest of times for the last six months by the looks of it, pickings for a petty criminal outside of Paris are slim it appears. She’s a canny lass though, so I’m sure it won’t be long before we see her stalking the streets of the city again without having to keep a sharp eye out for her husband on her back.

There are a number of guest stars this week, including a brief return of the wonderful Brian Pettifer as Poupart in his gloomy morgue - the remaining Musketeers calling on their CSI skills once again to follow the trail. Brian McCardie plays a blinder as the notorious slave trader Sebastian Lemaitre, a man whose cruelty could give Rochefort a run for his money. Then there is Pepin, a smaller part perhaps, but a very important one. Micah Balfour plays what I would essentially call the titular role with an understated finesse and charm. He is a typical common Parisian, our ordinary man, caught up in amongst the heroes and criminals.

Back at court Rochefort continues to slither around the palace, using his silver tongue to pay lip service to all and sundry. Marc Warren clearly enjoys this chance to be the misunderstood villain, desperately trying to stay one step ahead of the game. In the same way that we see a different side of the king this week, Anne also shows us what she is made of when she’s pushed to her limits. Alexandra Dowling’s gutsy performance has a real edge to it which is a pleasure to see. The queen is in as much of a predicament as her husband in many ways. She faces a difficult decision, not to mention monumental embarrassment if Louis does not turn up at the Dauphin’s christening.

One last short teaser paragraph for you, but you have to work this one out.

Congratulations on working out the hangman, here it is in full.

Although the episode starts with one of the most humorous and lively teasers ever, by contrast the last scene is incredibly sad. The youngest Musketeer has learnt another of life’s cruel lessons and it has hit him hard. His friends once again show us what true heroes are as they rally round and help him make amends.

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An Ordinary Man airs on Friday 9th January at 9pm on BBC 1 and BBC 1 HD in the UK, below are a few dialogue teasers to see you through until then. I will fill in any correct guesses on who said what later in the week. Don't forget to come back to vote in our poll after the episode and let us know what you thought.

“If the king knew about this he would stop it immediately, he’s very fair minded, generous and clever” Louis to ?

“This has all been so sudden, you’ve never even looked at me before” Marguerite to Aramis

“They’ll fetch five times as much as anyone else, why throw money away?" Milady to Lemaitre

“This man fought to protect you” ? to Louis

“The Queen is distressed, but I am sure that in her heart she feels the same” Rochefort to ?

“You have searched everywhere? Even .....the brothels?” Anne to Treville

“If I knew anything, I would tell you, I swear”

“Why else would a servant question the Captain of the Red Guards in front of the Queen?” Rochefort to Constance

“French men powering the Spanish fleet, the irony appeals to me”

“Lemaitre was caught and sentenced to hard labour in the colonises, it can’t be him”

Trailer Teaser

“I love you” Rochefort to Anne

About the Author - Sandi
Sandi is part of the Senior Staff at SpoilerTV having been a contributor from back in the Lost days of DarkUFO, and who now writes previews for Banshee, The Musketeers, Atlantis, and other BBC shows. She also enjoys watching and commenting on other shows such as Sons of Anarchy, Hannibal, Game of Thrones and Elementary.
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