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Z Nation - Welcome to the FU-Bar - Review: "In Loving Memory of Charles Garnett" + 1.08 Zunami - Promo

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Review Guide:
Episode 1.01 Pilot - Review & Advanced Preview
Episode 1.02 Fracking Zombies - Review
Episode 1.03 Philly Feast - Review
Episode 1.04 Full Metal Zombie - Review
Episode 1.05 Home Sweet Zombie - Review
Episode 1.06 Resurrection Z - Review
Episode 1.07 Welcome to the FU-Bar - Review
Episode 1.08 Zunami - Review
Episode 1.09 Die Zombie Die...Again - Review
Episode 1.10 Going Nuclear Review
Episode 1.11 Sisters of Mercy Review
Episode 1.12 Murphy's Law - Review
Episode 1.13 Doctor of the Dead (Season Finale) - Review

Z Nation - Welcome to the FU-Bar - Review

After last weeks, tragic events the group is at an all-time low, struggling to move on from the loss of their beloved friend Garnett. I am also still trying to figure out why they decided to kill off the lead... again.

Anyway, the episode kicks off with a tearful speech from Citizen Z; he is broadcasting a message about how we should remember Garnett, that he was a good man. One thing I will say is why was he crying when he never even met him or really knew him? I don't know why, but whenever I see Citizen Z on my screen, I lose interest. Our group are in Kansas for this episode; after their truck broke down Addy and Mack decide to scout ahead, where Mack tells Addy they should just leave. She doesn't want to as she says they all agreed to complete the mission. I am wondering if Mack will leave in the upcoming episodes, I could see him doing that. Another possibility is for them two to survive alone, which could create some interesting storylines. I think in the next episode at least it will be them two alone, as they never did catch up with the group in the end. Hopefully, we can then see what the meaning is behind Addy's flashbacks, which I desperately want to know.

The group is in a town where there are liquor and Guns, it gives them a chance to regroup and recover from recent events. For Warren stopping at the town gives her the chance to drown her sorrows, which she does. The actress does an effective job of capturing the emotional response in the campiness of the show. Warren remains silent the majority of the episode, but you can see in her eyes the anger; she might even blame Murphy for getting Garnett killed. It is partly Murphy's fault, so if she blamed him it's understandable. Along with the anger, she is also very sad. I think once she has recovered from her loss she will make a good leader, as she cares for everybody.

Kellita Smith stole the episode, her performance was incredible, especially when she was in the bar talking about Garnett after the barmen had turned. I genuinely felt sorry for her and could feel her pain. Her speech she gave was touching and emotional. It was probably the best performance I have seen on this show to date.

Elsewhere, Murphy's transformation keeps growing as the season progresses. I think we can make the assumption that he might be a zombie hybrid, just with his human side still intact. Especially after he bit that man, and I was pretty sure he was making Zombie noises as well. Also, it's interesting that the guy he bit never turned. This still gives us hope that even though he may be turning into a full zombie that he still is the key to the survival of the human race and holds the cure. Well, his blood at least.

We also had 10k enter a gun contest to gain a 50 calibre rifle. I wasn't too keen on the contest since I didn't think it made much sense. When they were judging people based on their shot and decided if they would be eliminated or progress to the next round. As the shots were taken in succession it seems remarkably unlikely that they would be able to keep track of where everyone's bullets ended up. Anyway, when 10k finally won, he decided to hand the rifle over to a girl who was his biggest competition in the contest. He only gave it to her as he had a crush on her. It was a terrible idea, as they were in need of a new car and could have used it to trade for one. It was very frustrating to watch. Having said that, the girl did save his life in the end which did kind of makeup for him giving it away.

Also, at the end of the episode we had Warren back to her normal self, taking out a dozen zombies to that epic music, which I can't seem to remember what it's called. I think the loss of Garnett has made her stronger and more determined to get Murphy to California. I know I said in the last review whoever takes the lead of the group could die like the previous two, but I think I will be wrong as I can't see Warren dying. Also she is the female lead, and they wouldn't kill off another main character, surely? She is much stronger than she used to be, emotionally and physically. Watch out Zombies, Warren is coming to get you!

It was another great episode. Kellita Smith was outstanding in the episode, and we should all applaud her for her performance. The episode dealt with the death of Garnett very well and used the flashbacks effectively throughout. We got to see some more of Murphy's transformation and saw how great 10k really is with that rifle. I do still think Cassandra is not needed at all; she still says barely anything and does nothing.

As always , thank you for reading! Let me know in the comments what you thought of the episode!
About the Author - Robert Fruin
Robert is a sixth form student from the United Kingdom, who is currently studying IT, Media and Business Studies. Robert is a huge fan of the ended ABC series LOST, he has seen it many times over and has even visited some of the filming locations for it. Robert mainly watches drama series such as Game Of Thrones and Person of Interest, but has a soft spot for the comedy The Middle. Some other shows he watches are The Walking Dead, Arrow and The 100. Some other interests include cycling, photography and kayaking. Robert will be reviewing Z Nation,The Librarians, Sons Of Anarchy, Intruders, The Fosters and Aquarius. Feel free to connect with him on any of these social media sites.
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