Arden Cho: It’s really exciting because you already know it’s a big show and everybody loves it. Everybody already knows what’s happening. But it’s also really intimidating and scary at the same time, because it is a show that does so well, there are a lot of expectations. You have to be up to par with everybody else. I think the cast is just amazing and so talented – beautiful and talented (laughs). I think I was really scared initially. I was always telling my friends, it took me at least seven or eight episodes to start feeling kind of comfortable. Because as much as I love everybody and they’re all so welcoming, as an actor, it’s hard to really let loose and be who you are when you’re new. It’s funny because in the show I’m the new girl and on set I’m the new girl. It’s definitely been exciting.
JJJ: When we first meet Kira, she’s not exactly welcomed with open arms. Is it going to take a little while for everyone to warm up to her?
AC: She’s a little quirky (laughs). She doesn’t mean any harm and she doesn’t mean to be rude and butt in, but I think she’s just excited. She’s very curious and she wants to fit it. And sometimes people aren’t really ready for that.