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Teen Wolf - Polls and Nominations - 3B

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Sorry guys, but the baby came over to visit today, so I didn't have time to finish part 2 of the Teen Wolf episode awards. Therefore in keeping with my attempt to have new Teen Wolf material each day, here are a few polls and nominations to ward off the impending blizzard (for those of us in the Midwest). I will post the results tomorrow along with the awards article. Enjoy and hit the comments to tell us your choices. Oh and because I am channeling my inner monster, you can only vote for one per poll. (Insert evil laugh here.)

About the Author - Dahne
One part teacher librarian - one part avid TV fan, Dahne is a contributing writer for SpoilerTV, where she recaps, reviews, and creates polls for Sleepy Hollow, Arrow, White Collar, Grimm, Teen Wolf, and others. She's addicted to Twitter, live tweets a multitude of shows each week, co-hosts the Sleepy Hollow "Headless" Podcast for Southgate Media Group, and guests on ArrowCast for DVMPE. Right now she is creating a Last Week in TV weekly segment for her blog and others. ~ "I speak TV."

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