Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Game of Thrones - Season 4 - Roger Ashton-Griffiths is Mace Tyrell [UPDATED]

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Game of Thrones - Season 4 - Roger Ashton-Griffiths is Mace Tyrell [UPDATED]

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George RR Martin has supplied another casting clue in the form of a riddle from his alter ego 'Froggy' today!

It reads as follows...

"The Wedding Guest
He's a father, he's a son. He's been a bishop, a cardinal, a prior, a friar, a vicar, a knight, a lord, a mayor, a director. There's one born every minute, but by any other name he'd smell as sweet."

It certainly appears to hint at Mace Tyrell.
- He is a wedding guest of course being that he is the father of the bride Margaey Tyrell and son of the Queen of Thorns.
- The tyrell rose is the sigil of the house and Tyrells are often referred to as "roses" etc... A rose, the subject of the partial line from Shakespeare.

The actor who will be portraying Mace is still at best a guess.
Jordan at Winter-is-Coming suggested Roger Ashton-Griffiths.

He has a long list of roles including:
A Bishop = Old Bishop in A Knight's Tale
A Cardinal = Cardinal Wolsey in Henry VIII
A prior = Prior Aymer in Ivanhoe
A Friar = Friar Tuck in Prince of Thieves
A Vicar = The Vicar in The Wimbledon Prisoner
A Knight = Sir John Hutton in The Tudors
A Lord = Lord Oswodd in What a Girl Wants, Lord Crowley Mountains of the Moon
A Mayor = Mayor in Brothers Grimm
A Director = Alfred Hitchcock in Grace of Monaco
He also played PT Barnum in Gangs of New York. Barnum is credited as saying that "there's a sucker born every minute."

No confirmation from GRRM yet, but I have a hard time finding an actor who fits those clues better... or a role other than Mace Tyrell.

GRRM has confirmed it.

I see the long delay between visits from Froggy the Gremlin hasn't dulled your skill at deciphering clues any.

Yes, it's the fine British character actor Roger Ashton-Griffiths, who has been cast in the role of Mace Tyrell, son to the Queen of Thorns, and father of Loras and Margaery.
Thanks for playing, and congrats to those who got it right."
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