George RR Martin has supplied another casting clue in the form of a riddle from his alter ego 'Froggy' today!
It reads as follows...
"The Wedding Guest
He's a father, he's a son. He's been a bishop, a cardinal, a prior, a friar, a vicar, a knight, a lord, a mayor, a director. There's one born every minute, but by any other name he'd smell as sweet."
It certainly appears to hint at Mace Tyrell.
- He is a wedding guest of course being that he is the father of the bride Margaey Tyrell and son of the Queen of Thorns.
- The tyrell rose is the sigil of the house and Tyrells are often referred to as "roses" etc... A rose, the subject of the partial line from Shakespeare.
The actor who will be portraying Mace is still at best a guess.
Jordan at Winter-is-Coming suggested Roger Ashton-Griffiths.

He has a long list of roles including:
A Bishop = Old Bishop in A Knight's Tale
A Cardinal = Cardinal Wolsey in Henry VIII
A prior = Prior Aymer in Ivanhoe
A Friar = Friar Tuck in Prince of Thieves
A Vicar = The Vicar in The Wimbledon Prisoner
A Knight = Sir John Hutton in The Tudors
A Lord = Lord Oswodd in What a Girl Wants, Lord Crowley Mountains of the Moon
A Mayor = Mayor in Brothers Grimm
A Director = Alfred Hitchcock in Grace of Monaco
He also played PT Barnum in Gangs of New York. Barnum is credited as saying that "there's a sucker born every minute."
No confirmation from GRRM yet, but I have a hard time finding an actor who fits those clues better... or a role other than Mace Tyrell.
GRRM has confirmed it.
"Later:Thanks for playing, and congrats to those who got it right."
I see the long delay between visits from Froggy the Gremlin hasn't dulled your skill at deciphering clues any.
Yes, it's the fine British character actor Roger Ashton-Griffiths, who has been cast in the role of Mace Tyrell, son to the Queen of Thorns, and father of Loras and Margaery.