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Today's User Submitted Daily (USD) Poll was submitted by Freda who was picked randomly from our Poll Submissions (see below).
Let us know in the comments what you voted for and why?
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- Polls need to be TV/Movie related.
- You must supply a Poll Question, and the possible choices. Please try to keep the number of options to a reasonable amount
- You can only Submit 1 Poll Per Day. Previous polls submitted will still be eligible for posting (ie you don't need to keep submitting the same poll everyday)
Each day we will pick one submitted poll at random to post on the site.
PREMIERED ON THIS DATE: Since I post Premiered On This Date here daily as a way we can all engage in conversation together as a community over our favorite past & present series / films...
Sister and I went to the demonstration today... It really felt like all of Athens came down... Teargas within an hour right after the key note speaker was done (we didn't get to hear her...
He did say one of the perks of his position in hell is that he gets to come back as a living temporarily - aka a demon. Oh oh! Can't wait to see how this pans out!