Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon The Vampire Diaries - Episode 5.01 and 5.03 - Casting Snippets

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The Vampire Diaries - Episode 5.01 and 5.03 - Casting Snippets

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In Episode 5.01 we will see the following recurring characters.

Nadia - And emotional and beautiful 20's something who has travelled the earth on a mission of vengeance.
Jesse - Mid 20's, college upperclassman.

Also in 5.01 we will see a character called "Megan". 20's and head of her class, too smart for her own good.

Episode 5.03 will see the introduction of another recurring character called "Tessa". A nobleman's daughter who is both powerful and insightful.

Source: SpoilerTV

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