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Game of Thrones - Season 4 - Casting Rumors & Speculation [UPDATED 010/16]

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Casting is coming......

With Season 3 now completed (ugh!) and Season 4 pre-production just a few weeks away it's time for another casting speculation and rumor thread!

Season 4 should be a very interesting season, but how much of the Iron Islands and Kingsmoot will make it to this season? How much of the siege or occupation of Meereen will make it into the season? Will Arya go to Braavos? Will Brienne wander the Riverlands? What stories will be moved up, rearranged, tweaked, or removed completely as D&D adapt the books?. The roles cast for the season could help us glean some answers!

The casting of Oberyn Martell of Dorne (and the rest of the Dornish that come later) also greatly intrigues me! Will Nina Gold and D&D cast the Dornish as Mediterranean, Middle Eastern or Northern European/ white?

Not all of the roles I chose will be cast. Some of the roles are vital to the story and likely to be cast. However, others are unlikely at best. I added some roles I think have scenes which would make for good TV, and others I just find interesting for one reason or another.

Like last year's post I will try to update all casting rumors regarding the roles D&D will be casting, who has auditioned, who might play the roles, and even who has been spotted in Belfast with other Thrones cast members.

I think pre-production will begin on Season 4 sometime after the end of May with news really beginning to come in around the end of June. If I recall correctly last year the first "official" word from HBO came in mid-July with the mass announcement at Comic-Con, but there were plenty of casting agent notices, updated resumes and actor Tweets (a few of them lying) for us to enjoy in June!

Now let the Game begin...

Please feel free to suggest your opinions on suggested actors, your favorites for new roles, any roles you think could be cast that I forgot to mention, or even add rumors I missed.

***News and rumors will be updated in this location regularly when Season 4 production starts***



UPDATE #24 (10-16)
According to his CV, British actor Struan Rodger has been cast as "The Three-Eyed Raven" in Season 4.

From Winter-is-Coming:

The character (called the Three-Eyed Crow in the A Song of Ice and Fire novels) is connected to Bran Stark and his quest for understanding the visions that have come to the boy since he was pushed from the tower at Winterfell.

Rodger is a familiar face in British film and television, turning up in programs such as Chandler & Co., Rumpole of the Bailey, The Thick Of It, and Law and Order UK. He memorably lent his voice to two episodes of Doctor Who as the Face of Boe. His film credit highlights include Kill List, Stardust, Young Adam, Chariots of Fire, Four Weddings and a Funeral, and The Madness of King George.

A thousand eyes and one...
Looks like another great casting choice! Great actor and certainly has the right look. I was not sure we would meet the man until Season 5, but this casting does imply Bran may advance a little further in his journey than I expected. Now, will a mysterious hooded figure be the next casting news or will he be cut?


Earlier this evening James Hibberd of InsideTV brought us a nice bit of casting news! British actor Joel Fry has been cast as Hizdahr zo Loraq!

Hizdahr zo Loraq is a wealthy Meereenese noble from an ancient Ghiscari family that will attempt to win over Daenerys.

I was hoping that we would get some news in Dany's story arc now that filming has begun, and we did! I have liked Fry in the couple of series I've seen him and he has a good look for the role. I can imagine that hair shaped into wings easily enough if D&D decide to keep that detail....


UPDATE #22 (09/25)
A huge update from Fury at Winter-is-Coming of minor roles that have been cast !

First up, according to his CV, actor Alisdair Simpson will be portraying Knight of the Gate in 2 episodes this season.

This confirms we should get at least 2 episodes at The Eyrie this season. No surprise with upcoming plot developments I guess.

The second bit of casting news of note is that Daniel Rabin will be portraying the Dornish Lord Blackmont according to his CV.

In the books House Blackmont of Dorne are ruled by Lady Larra Blackmont. She accompanies Prince Oberyn to King's Laning along with her children, but there is no "Lord BLackmont" mentioned. Maybe they will use the new character to play up the Red Viper's rumored bisexuality?

Another bit of news I found interesting was the casting of Morag Craster who will be played by Deirdre Monaghan according to her CV.

The books do not mention a Morag Craster, but I suspect she will be playing his oldest wife/ daughter when we return to Craster's Keep this year.

And speaking of Craster's wives...
The number of cast wives has increased this off season!
Adult actress and model Saffie Jacobs will be playing one of Craster's wives and her Twitter mentions having filmed with another adult actress, Aeryn Walker, who I assume to be yet another of his wives. Walker posted a somewhat humorous video on YouTube about how she landed her role on Game of Thrones.

Actress Sarine Sofair is appearing as Lhara according to her CV.

In related casting news, adult performer Samantha Bentley tweeted about sharing the screen with Sofair, and mentions working with Liam Cunningham. No mention of what role she will play.

I do not recall a Lhara in the books so I have no idea what role this is, but according to Sofair's CV she will appear in an episode directed by Alik Sakharov. That means she will appear in either Episode 4.06 or 4.07 if that helps narrow things down. XD


UPDATE #21 (09/16)
Apolgies for late reporting of casting news, but there were two more casting notes over this weekend...

First up, according to her CV, Italian Actress Paola Dionisotti has been cast as Lady Anya Waywood.

Almost certainly that is a typo and the book role is Anya Waynwood. Although the series could change the character's name... Lady Waynwood is the head of House Waynwood of the Vale, and like Bronze Yohn she did not appear in A Storm of Swords.

It looks like Season 4 will speed up the story arc in the Vale bringing forward bits and pieces from A Feast for Crows and maybe some new scenes not in the books as well! Dionisotti certainly looks like the perfect Lady Waynwood to me!

The second casting note is Gabrielle Dempsey has been cast as the Innkeeper's daughter.

According to her CV she will appear in Episode 4.01.

That may rule out the Inn at the Crossroads where Arya and the Hound travel as that seems to me a little early for that scene to take place. Maybe not?

Some speculation a few weeks back that Octavia Alexandru may be playing the daughter at the Inn at the Crossroads, but maybe this casting rules that out? It is hard to decipher exactly which roles will be cast this year as many events seem to be shifted from one book to another for the TV series.


UPDATE #20 (09/09)

British actor Rupert Vansittart has been cast as Yohn Royce.

Lord Yohn Royce is the head of House Royce of the Vale. He gets his nick name "Bronze Yohn" from the thousands year old armor he wears made up of bronze scales inscribed with runes.

I recall him from a few UK period mini-series as well as from Braveheart where he played one of the lords that angered Mel Gibson's William Wallace. It will be nice to see more of the Vale than just the Eyrie this upcoming season!


UPDATE #19(09/08)

After weeks of pondering the role Mark Gattis would be playing, the answer has arrived!

According to his CV, Gattis will be playing Tycho Nestoris! Many speculated a more supernatural role for Gattis, but it turns out he is the representative of the Iron Bank of Braavos.

The Iron Bank is richer and more powerful than all other banks combined and has a fearsome reputation when collecting debts. When princes or kings default on their debts or are foolish enough not to honor their agreements with the Iron Bank, the Iron Bank supports new princes and kings to appear. "The Iron Bank will have its due."

In an interview Gattis hinted that the role "involves hair", but that left many people wondering. Now it would seem he could have been referring to the wispy thin, waist length beard of Nestrois.

I'm giddy that they will introduce the Iron Bank earlier than expected! The more "small details" from the book that make the TV series the better in my opinion. This of course also could point to a more prominent role the Iron Bank could have in the endgame of the ASOIAF saga as well!

Two more roles have been cast for Season 4 recently..

According to her CV, Elizabeth Webster will play Walda Frey.

Walda is granddaughter of Lord walder Frey and the new bride of Roose Bolton.

She has a perfect look for the role despite Fat Walda of the books having blonde hair as I rcall. That is very minor in the grande scheme of things though! I'm just happy Walda has been cast since it means we get more Roose! XD

Actress Lu Corfield has been cast as Mole's Town Madame.

Mole's Town is a town near The Wall that has been discussed by members of the Night's Watch in a number of episodes.

I don't recall the role being very important in the books. The only Mole's Town role I recall is Zei. She is a whore who flees to Castle Black and helps them during the Wildling attack. Perhaps the Madame will take up the crossbow to defend The Wall?

The most interesting note for last....
Winter-in-Coming's sources have told them that Noah Taylor will return in Season as Locke, the Bolton bannerman who cut off Jaime Lannister's hand last season. The source says that Locke will tkae the black and relocating to The Wall and the Night's Watch!

I find this very intriguing as it is completely different than anything in the book and I liked Taylor's portrayal of Locke a lot! I wonder if he will be replacing one of the Night's Watch elders running for Lord Commander or perhaps he will be a thorn in Jon Black's side?


According to Indiewire's Shadow and Act and supporter by a comment on his Facebook page where he mentions he is head to 'King's Landing' very soon, Hoji Fortuna has been cast in Season 4! Sadly once again the role has not been mentioned.

Fortuna is an Angolan actor based in New York that has mostly done African cinema up until now, but he has won an African-Oscar Award for his performance as César in Congolese crime-drama Viva Riva!

To me this screams Brown Ben Plum!
I will be excited if Ben makes the series as I was worried he could be cut. I guess he could be there heretofore not yet introduced Jalabhar Xho from the books, or maybe they are are going with black actors for the dark amber-skinned Ghriscari in Meereen?

UPDATE: According to HBO, Hoji Fortuna has NOT been cast. At least, not as anything other than an extra. A featured extra with one or two lines, at most. So definitely not Brown Ben Plumm and probably nothing at all.


Game of Thrones casts its third Mountain!
HBO confirmed to Winter-is-Coming that Hafþór “Thor” Björnsson will play Gregor 'The Mountain That Rides' Clegane for Season 4 of Game of Thrones.

Not quite as tall as the last two actors to portray the Mountain (Conan Stevens and Ian Whyte were both 7-feet tall), the 6'-9" tall performer has been 'Iceland's Strongest Man' for the last three years in a row despite being only 24-years of age! Thor has the physicality for the role in spades, however, he has no acting experience.

Many people will be quite happy with this news as they did not like Ian Whyte's performance. I did not mind it, but will be the first to agree that Whyte did not look like "The Mountain" in his armor. Thor should be HUGE in his armor and he should be athletic enough to do the required fight scenes!
UPDATE #3 (May 28)
GRRM was recently interviewed at ConQuest in Kansas City and gave us some casting nuggets...
"Auditions are being held now for season 4 – including Styr the Magnar of Thenn, Mace Tyrell and OBERYN MARTELL!"

You can read the about the Q and A at TheTowerOfTheHand.

Also of possible note, anecdotal hints at Ellaria Sand also being cast! No official source on that yet and at this point it is complete rumor,but combine that with Overyn,and Mace being cast and it looks like D&D are not cutting large sections of the books to complete the series fast as some suspected. Whew!


The Hollywood Reporter now confirms Michiel Huisman will be replacing Ed Skrein as Daario Naharais!

I'm elated about this news!
He is a great actor and last year's performances by Skrien left me wanting....
Now if they will refilm last year's scenes for the DVD releases so I have continuity when I watch in the future I will be thoroughly content! XD


An Instagram photo of the 32-year old Dutch actor Michiel Huisman suggests he has been cast in Season 4 of Game of Thrones. In the photo he is seen working out and the fitness trainer notes “1 more week w/ Michiel Huisman getting him ready to kick ass on Game of Thrones. Proud of this guy’s dedication; huge transformation from his Tremé days.”

There is no comment on what role he will be playing. Sadly this seems to be the norm these days with casting rumors.

Personally I think he is too young to be Euron and a number of other roles I expect to be cast. He certainly fits the look of a Kettleblack brother though or Ser Hyle Hunt. I expect most if not all 3 Kettleblack bros to be cut though and it may be a bit early to cast Hyle hunt?

He has a musical background so it is possible he will play an act at Joffrey's wedding or even Symon Silvertongue who aspires to be one of the seven acts. He does not look like any of the singers, but I think he would quite interesting as Symon.

The strongest impression I get is that he will play an Ironborn. Perhaps a love interest for Yara like Tristofer Botley, Qarl the Maid, or a combination of the two? He could be one of her raiding party too. I also think he would make a perfect Baelor Blacktyde if that role does get cast.

If he is filming in Croatia it might limit which arc he will be in (if he films in Northern Ireland he could be in any arc honestly). I think Dubrovnik is King's Landing almost exclusively, but I'm not sure on Split yet. I've read it mostly will be used for KL, but also the possibility it could be used for Meereen as well. We will find out once they start filming there I guess!


According to sources at Winter-is-Coming, the role of Tommen Baratheon has been recast!

Their source indicates that Dean-Charles Chapman will be taking over the role. If he looks familiar to you he recently was in The White Queen or it may be because he played the role of Martyn Lannister, one of the young Lannister prisoners that Robb held that was killed by the Karstarks last season.

I'm not surprised they recast the role seeing as an older Tommen makes a lot of sense considering certain upcoming plot developments. However, I am surprised they used an actor that already appeared in the series as a different character!


UPDATE #12 (8/11)
The last week or two have produced a couple minor casting notes....

First up, 9-year old Trixiebell Harrowell has been cast in Season 4. Her mother recently tweeted two photos of her daughter , the first waiting inside her trailer with a window marked "Farmer's Daughter" and a second in costume hugging our Arya, Maisie Williams!

Most likely a minor role, a newly created role, or even an extra. Maybe the "village elder's daughter" that follows Arya around with her soldier doll?


The second casting note of interest is a casting call put out by Extras NI (an extras casting agency GOT uses) that reads:

We are looking for a MALE 6'10 AND OVER for a TV SERIES filming in Northern Ireland.

The dates for this role are 2nd-6th September, and 12th-20th October. You must be FULLY available in order to apply.
You must have a good level of athleticism & be willing to attend stunt training.
You must be happy to have your hair CUT or DYED if required

My first thought was a stand-in or body double for Gregor Clegane, but I think it is more likely the role of a giant attacking Castle Black. That would be filmed in Irleand and require a certain amount of athleticism too.


UPDATE #11 (7/30)

According to his agency website, Joseph Gatt had been cast in Game of Thrones!

No word yet on his role, however his tweets do hint at some things.

I loved him as the Albino in Banshee and thought he would be an amazing Styr. Being in 4 episodes and 2 locations sounds right. Iceland for the outside the Wall scenes and Belfast at the Castle Black set. This would be the first casting of the season that has me amped! Well, if it is accurate and he is Styr! XD


Update #10 (07/30)

As announced by GRRM himself yesterday, Roger Ashton-Griffiths is the Lord of Highgarden, Mace Tyrell.


UPDATE #9 (07/25)

Actors are being spotted all over Northern Europe now that filming has begun! Last week Maisie Williams and Gwen Christie were caught in Iceland, this week the country welcomes new cast member Brenock O'Connor. Morgunblaðið (Morning Paper) speculates O'Connor's character will be involved with Arya Stark's travels in the Riverlands.

Morgunblaðið also provides a more recent picture of O'Connor that may help us glean something about his role. The photo makes me think that a late appearance by Edric Dayne may be possible? Perhaps the young squire with Polliver and Tickler at the Inn at the Crossroads?


Big casting news arrives!
James Hibberd of InsideTV reports that Indira Varma has been cast as Ellaria Sand!

Okay, the book role is rather minor, so much so that many expected the role to be cut entirely. However, casting a well-known actress of Indira Varma's caliber makes me think HBO will expand the role! She has been my personal favorite (although I epxected a less well known actress honestly) and many other people's favorite for the role for years now!


Also of note, Kit Harrington (Jon Snow), Sibel Kekilli(Shae), John Bradley (Sam Tarly) and newly cast Pedro Pascal (The Red Viper, Oberyn Martell) were all spotted in Belfast.


UPDATE #8 (7/19)

According to James Hibberd at InsideTV, actor/ writer Mark Gattis has been cast in an unknown role for Season 4.

Gattis is well known as Sherlock's older brother Mycroft on the BBC series, but he has been in many projects including the recent Crimson Petal and the White cast by Nina Gold.

Many guess either Mace Tyrell or The Damphair....or the Kindly Man... I thought a younger Denys Mallister would fit, but honestly no role jumps out as perfectly suited for him. Maybe the High Sparrow? Any ideas?


I just added an interview with Mark Cattis at Comic-Con discussing his new role on Game of Thrones.

He does not give much away, but does say he has finished filming and the role "involves hair"..... Vague yeah? I would think the fact he has finished filming means it is not anything filmed in Croatia or Iceland since only Belfast is currently filming as far as I know. That eliminates any new role on Essos, and the fact he finished so quickly makes me think it is not a role with a lot of scenes this season.

I'm thinking it less likely he is playing Mace Tyrell, but if the hair comment was legit and not a red herring or joke Aeron Greyjoy is a possibility. If they filmed some Iron Islands scenes in Belfast or the studio. Quite possibly a role in the Night's Watch as well. Maybe Denys Mallister, Cotter Pyke or some combination etc... One outside chance is he could be Alester Florent (a bit younger version than in the books). Introducing Florent would be a way to delay Stannis at Dragonstone for a couple episodes. Maybe we will find out more at the official panel tomorrow!

What are your thoughts?


UPDATE #7 (July 17)

According to a tweet from The Theatre Workshop 13-year old Brenock O'Connor has been cast in an unknown role in Game of Thrones Season 4.

The actor has been doing theatre since he was 6-years old and has recently been seen in a PSA video with Vinnie Jones as "Young Vinnie". You can check it out here.

I have no idea what role he will be playing. Last year I may have thought Edric Storm or Edric Dayne, but this year... maybe a small Wildling role. Some background child at the Kingsmoot?? One of the Children of the Forest?


UPDATE #6 (July 2)

Octavia Selena Alexandru has been cast in an unknown role for Season 4 according to her agency page. The 10 year old actress's resume states she usually plays age 9 to 12 if that helps narrow down the options.

Fake Arya comes to mind, but seems a little young maybe... A Tyrell cousin? The Waif? The girl at the Crossroads Inn? She has really good look for one of the younger Sand Snakes like Elia, but I cannot imagine they would be cast this season, if at all..
I did not think we would see Arya in Braavos or Brienne make it to the Crossroads Inn, but if I had to guess I think she was cast as Willow Heddle or The Waif.
What role do you think she might be playing?


UPDATE #5 (June 28)
Oberyn Martell will be played by Chilean actor Pedro Pascal according to James Hibberd.

This was a tough one,” say showrunners David Benioff and Dan Weiss about the casting. “The Red Viper is sexy and charming, yet believably dangerous; intensely likable, yet driven by hate. The boys love him, the girls love him, and he loves them all back. Unless your last name is Lannister. We found a fellow who can handle the job description and make it seem effortless. He wasn’t easy to find and he won’t be easy to stop.

Recently he has appeared on Red Widow and on Graceland.
Interesting choice that I'm happy with even if I do not recall the actor that well despite seeing him in a number of projects. A slightly different (and younger) look than I expected, but he does have the swagger in the roles I have seen him in.

UPDATE #4 (June 25)
This news is more about roles returning to the series after not being seen for a season or more than new roles being cast.

Owen Teale (Sergeant at Arms Alliser Thorne of the Night's Watch) commented in a recent interview that he will be returning to Game of Thrones in Season 4.

Also, according to his agency,Andy Beckwith will be returing in Season 4. He played Rorge, the noseless convict from the Black Cells who for a time traveled with Jaqen H'ghar and was last seen at Harrenhal in Season 2.

And lastly, sources have unofficially confirmed to Winter-is-Coming that Dominic Carter will be returning in Season 4 as Janos Slynt. We last saw Slynt bound for the Wall after Tyrion dismissed him as Captain of the Gold Cloaks early in Season 2.

This adds to cast members who were absent last season, but will be back next season. So far Kate Dickie (Lyssa Arryn) and Lino Facioli (Robin Arryn) - the last two actually filmed scenes for Season 3 that were cut or pushed back to Season 4. Still waiting on news of the returns of Bowen Marsh, Lancel Lannister, Kevan Lannister, Myrcella Lannister, Tommen Lannister, Dontos Hollard (rumors are he will be back) and Illyrio.


UPDATE #3 (May 28)
GRRM was recently interviewed at ConQuest in Kansas City and gave us some casting nuggets...
"Auditions are being held now for season 4 – including Styr the Magnar of Thenn, Mace Tyrell and OBERYN MARTELL!"

You can read the about the Q and A at TheTowerOfTheHand.

Also of possible note, anecdotal hints at Ellaria Sand also being cast! No official source on that yet and at this point it is complete rumor,but combine that with Overyn,and Mace being cast and it looks like D&D are not cutting large sections of the books to complete the series fast as some suspected. Whew!


UPDATE #2 (May 16)
Filming for Season 4 will begin July 8!
D&D recently revealed that nice tidbit in their interview on KCRW UpClose. The entire interview can be listened to here.


UPDATE #1 (May 15):
It looks like Season 4 casting may be underway! An audition tape leaked online recently. The Dutch actor Yorick van Wageningen seems to be auditioning for Styr, the Magnar of Thenn. Readers of the books will note he looks very little like book-Styr, perhaps he the role will be a combination of book characters. Part of Styr's role has been taken up by Tormund this season. Some think he may take Rattleshirt's parts from the book since we have not seen him this year and he has future parts to play in the books.

The scene appears to be between Styr and Tormund (and possibly Ygritte) and would be some time after this season ends. Meaning no attack on Castle Black in Season 3. In the past audition scenes did not necessarily make the TV series though, so no guarantee it will play out this way on screen.



- Euron Greyjoy -

Euron Greyjoy, also known as Crow's Eye due to the patch he wears over his left eye, is a younger brother of Balon Greyjoy. Crow's Eye is pale and handsome with black hair and a dark beard. Euron is captain of the Silence, a ship crewed entirely by mutes whose tongues he ripped out.
Fan Favorites:
Clive Standen, Eric Bana, Eoin Macken, James Purefoy, Jason Isaacs, Karl Urban, Richard Armitage, Viggo Mortensen
My Suggestions:

Arben Bajraktaraj, Hans Matheson, Mads Mikkelsen, Paul Rhys, Rudolf Martin, Rufus Sewell
My Choice:
My Favorite has been Mads Mikkelsen for years now and he even has played roles with one eye or wearing an eye patch! However, he may be too high profile for a role that will not have much screen time for a couple of years yet. Therefore I really like the look and feel of Arben Bajraktaraj, but would love Rudolph Martin in the role too.


- Victarion Greyjoy -

Victarion Greyjoy is a brother of Balon Greyjoy and Lord Captain of the Iron Fleet. Victarion is a large and powerful man, a capable commander and a fierce warrior in battle, but has a calm demeanor outside of it, thinking of enemies with great respect. He is a religious man that wears full plate armor while sailing his flagship 'Iron Victory' because he has no fear of drowning.
Fan Favorites:
Craig Fairbrass, Ian McShane, Jason Isaacs, Mads Mikkelsen, Richard Armitage, Viggo Mortensen
My Suggestions:

Danny Huston, Lars Mikkelsen, Marton Csokas, Ray Stevenson, Vincent Regan, Vladimir Kulich
My Choice:
While I really like the look of Danny Huston and Vladimir Kulich for Victarion, since the series was announced I have always pictured Ray Stevenson in the role! For me he is the perfect combination of size, look, feel and gravitas. Will another Rome actor make it into Thrones? I think so!


- Aeron Greyjoy -

Aeron Greyjoy is a younger brother of Balon Greyjoy and is a priest of the Drowned God, primarily known by his new name, Damphair. He is tall and thin with fierce black eyes and a beak of a nose. He garbs himself in roughspun robes dyed in the green, grey, and blue of the Drowned God. Damphair weaves seaweed into his waist-length hair which he never cuts.
My Suggestions:

My Suggestions:
Con O'Neill, Derek DeLint, John Lynch, Jonathan Ryan, Jon Campling, Sean Harris
My Choice:
In the books the Priest of the Drowned God that baptized Theon was his uncle, Aeron. Johathan Ryan was cast in that role last year, but we were told it was a random priest and not Damphair. They could easily change their minds and have him play the role. I personally always pictured Aeron more angular and leaner (as described by GRRM) than Ryan. Angular and lean? Yep, that's Jon Campling to be sure.


- Oberyn Martell -

Prince Oberyn Nymeros Martell of Dorne, known as the Red Viper, is a forceful, lusty man with a quick wit and barbed tongue. He has a lined face with thin eyebrows, black "viper" eyes and a sharp nose. His hair is lustrous and black with only a few silver streaks and recedes from his brow into a widow's peak. The 42-year Prince studied at the Citadel for a while, and forged several maester links but eventually grew bored and left the order. The Red Viper traveled the world and even founded his own mercenary company.
Fan Favorites:
Alexander Siddig, Irfan Khan, James Purefoy, Naveen Andrews, Antonio Banderas, Javier Bardem, Richard Armitage, Saïd Taghmaoui
My Suggestions:

Amr Waked, Khaled Nabawy, Navid Negahban, Noam Jenkins, Oded Fehr, Silas Carson
Suggestions I like, but some see as "too white" for the role:

Cliff Simon, Cosimo Fusco,Goran Visnjic, James Callis, Olivier Martinez, Rudolf Martin
My Choice:
This is really hard not knowing what direction Nina Gold and D&D will go.... Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, Near Eastern, or Northern European? I made my list and decided to list a second group of actors as well. Actors like Cliff Simon, Goran Visnjic, or Rudolf Martin could play a very interesting Red Viper. I pictured someone who looks like Oded Fehr as I read. However, if I got to chose I would love the role to go to Amr Waked or Khaled Nabawy.

ETA (06-15):
After seeing him on TV the other night I added Cosimo Fusco and got rid of Daniel Bernhardt. I just don't think they need a marital artist and DB is doing the Hunger Games sequel movie so he could be busy.



- Mace Tyrell -

Lord Mace Tyrell is Lord of Highgarden, Defender of the Marches, High Marshal of the Reach, and Warden of the South. Once a powerful looking man he has become fat, but he is still handsome. Mace has curly brown hair and cuts his beard into a triangular shape. He is Margaery's and Loras's father.
My Suggestions:

Angus Macfadyen, Brendan Gleeson, Christian Mckay, Gordon Kennedy, Hugh Bonneville, Ian Pirie
My Choice:
I pictured Brendan Gleeson as I read the books, but he may be too well-known for such a small role. Angus Macfadyen is my first choice now. Mace Tyrell could easily be played by a lesser known actor, too. Maybe Gordon Kennedy or Ian Pirie?


- Styr -

Styr, the Magnar of Thenn, is a wildling leader. He is the leader of the Thenn. He allied himself with Mance Rayder when the Others came out of the North. He is a tall lean man with no ears. He is clean shaven, bald with a straight nose and grey eyes. He rules with an iron fist and commands absolute loyalty from his men.
My Suggestions:

Joseph Gatt, Lars Mikkelsen, Michael Berryman, Paul McNeilly, Vinnie Jones, Yorick van Wageningen
My Choice:
If only Michael Berryman was younger! The man was genetically designed to be Styr, I swear it! Without Berryman, and not knowing what direction they take the character, I'm sticking with the appearance of Styr from the books and I always pictured someone like Vinnie Jones, but NOT Vinnie Jones. Joseph Gatt would be brilliant!


- Val -

Val is a wildling. She is the sister of Dalla, the wife of Mance Rayder. She is a beautiful woman with blonde hair. She has pale grey eyes with high sharp cheekbones. She is slender with a full bosom. Val is resourceful, brave and capable.
My Suggestions:

Imogen Poots, Kerry Condon, MyAnna Buring, Rebecca Ferguson, Romola Garai, Sophia Myles
My Choice:
I pictured someone like MyAnna Buring as Val when I read, but she may be busy with a couple TV series already. I think Sophia Myles would be great as Val or perhaps a more unknown actress.


- Cotter Pyke -

Cotter Pyke is a member of the Night's Watch, born the bastard of a tavern wench on the Iron Islands. He now commands Eastwatch-by-the-sea. He has small, close-set eyes, a broken nose and a pox ravaged face. Pyke has a widow's peak and a sparse, rough beard. He is lean, hard and wiry.
My Suggestions:

Alun Armstrong, Andrew Divoff, Ian Pirie, Jamie Harris, Ned Dennehy, Sean Gilder
My Choice:
I like the hardness of Sean Gilder for the role. He is close to how I pictured Cotter Pyke as I read, but I also can see Ned Dennehy and Ian Pirie in the role easily. Both have been cast by Nina Gold before so who knows....


- Denys Mallister -

Ser Denys Mallister is a member of the Night's Watch. He has commanded the Shadow Tower for thirty-three years. He has blue-grey eyes and a long white beard. He has lost almost all his hair and his face is deeply lined. He still has his teeth and is graceful in his movement. In his communication with other people he is very courteous.
My Suggestions:

Bernard Hill, Bosco Hogan, Gordon Munro, John Kavanagh, Michael Cronin, Paul Freeman
My Choice:
I always pictured someone who looked like Bosco Hogan or Maichael Kavanaugh as I read the books, but after seeing Michael Cronin on Merlin recently I think he would be a great Mallister.


- Satin -

Satin is a recruit of the Night's Watch. He has dark eyes, soft skin and black curly hair. He has grown a thin beard since joining the NW. He got the name from the brothel where he had been born and raised, as well as where he worked as a whore.
My Suggestions:

Alexander Vlahos, Al Weaver, Frank Dillane, George Mackay, Kevin Guthrie, Robert Sheehan
My Choice:
I would like to see a young actor in the role and not just an actor that looks young honestly. I think Frank Dillane would be fun. Being the son of the actor that plays Stannis (Stephen Dillane) he has a connection to Thrones already too!


- Jarman Buckwell -

Jarmen Buckwell is a senior ranger of the Night's Watch. He is a square, solid man.
My Suggestions:

Brian Cox, Kevin McNally, Lee Nicholas Harris, Michael Nardone, Richard Ridings, Vincent Regan
My Choice:
I pictured someone like Kevin McNally, Vincent Regan or Brian Cox, but for such a minor role they would be too high profile. I would like to see Michael Nardone in the role even if it will probably go to some relatively unknown actor. Maybe Lee Nicholas Harris? He has been cast by Nina Gold multiple times in the last few years.


- Gylbert Farwynd -

Lord Gylbert Farwynd is the Lord of the Lonely Light and head of the house of the same name on the Iron Islands. He is tall, spare with a clean-shaven lantern jaw and color changing eyes.
My Suggestions:

Alistair Petrie, Anatole Taubman, Anthony Brophy, Anthony Simcoe, Paul Kynman, Pip Torrens
My Choice:
Honestly I'm not sure the role will be cast, but as the first name put forward in the Kingsmoot I decided to add him. Too many minor lords to make the show, but if they cast Farwynd I think Alistair Petrie or Pip Torrens would be well suited for the role.


- Baelor Blacktyde -

Lord Baelor Blacktyde, Lord of Blacktyde, is the head of House Blacktyde on the Iron Islands. He is smooth-faced and handsome. Unlike most Ironborn he worships the Seven.
My Suggestions:

Ben Chaplin, Blake Ritson, Jack Huston, James Callis, Matthew Goode, Tom Ellis
My Choice:
Another minor role, but one that could be fun to see if they shoot one particular book scene... I think many lesser known actors could fill the role, but when I read AFFC now I picture Jack Huston. He has the perfect look as I imagined Blacktyde, however he could be busy with Boardwalk Empire. Tom Ellis would be great in the role too


- Taena Merryweather -

She is an extremely beautiful and shapely woman with black hair and large, dark eyes. She is married to Lord Orton Merryweather.
My Suggestions:

Charlotte Riley, Gemma Arterton, Hayley Atwell, Madalina Ghenea, Marjan Neshat, Nazanin Boniadi
My Choice:
I always pictured Taena as exotic and slightly different than most of the beauties in King's Landing and I think Madalina Ghene fits that bill. Then again so would Marjan Neshat and Nazanin Boniadi.... as well as many other actresses.


- Ben Plumm -

Ben Plumm, better known as Brown Ben Plumm, is the commander of the mercenary company called the Second Sons. Ben is described as an older man, tall and still fit. He has a broad face, brown skin, a broken nose, nappy grey/white hair, and a salt and pepper beard. He has Dothraki eyes that he inherited from his mother, they are large, dark and almond-shaped. There are wrinkles at the corner of his eyes. Plumm says he is part Braavosi, Summer Islander, Ibbenese, Qohorik, Dothraki, Dornish and part Westerosi.
Fan Favorites:
Chiwetel Ejiofor, Delroy Lindo, Lennie James, Morgan Freeman
My Suggestions:

Danny John-Jules, Eriq Ebouaney, Hakeem Kae-Kazim, Hugh Quarshie, Isaach De Bankolé, Paterson Joseph
My Choice:
I always pictured Chiwetel Ejiofor as I read, but think he is too busy for a smaller role like this. Any of the actors I listed could do justice to the role honestly, but something after seeing Kae-Kazim in Strike Back he has been my favorite for the role.


- Penny -

Penny is an entertainer from across the Narrow Sea. Penny has smooth pink cheeks, mouse-brown hair, brown eyes, a heavy brow and a squashed nose. She and her brother (Groat) are dwarfs that were named after the two smallest coins.
My Suggestions:

Aimee Holden, Francesca Mills, Kiruna Stamell, Laura Whitfield, Meredith Eaton, Rebecca Taylor
My Choice:
I would like to see Penny make the series, but I wonder if the roles of Penny and Oppo will be cast. I can see their main scene and future arc being reworked fairly easily. I visited a couple casting sites to fill out my list and found a few actresses who I think really do look the part, but without seeing many of those actresses perform I'm sticking to actresses I have seen. I enjoyed Meredith Eaton on Boston Legal and Kiruna Stamell on Life's Too Short! I'll give the nod to Stamell being based in the UK.


- Ellaria Sand -

Ellaria Sand is the paramour of Prince Oberyn Martell of Dorne. Although not accounted as a classically beautiful woman, she is regarded as attractive and eye-catching, with an exotic, sensuous flair. She has black hair.
Fan Favorites:
Aishwarya Rai, Indira Varma, Morena Baccarin, Padma Lakshmi, Rhona Mitra, Sarita Choudhury
My Suggestions:

Aure Atika, Ewa Da Cruz, Goldy Notay, Laila Rouass, Rebecca Hazlewood, Shivani Ghai
My Choice:
The fairly small role of Ellaria (could be cut entirely) could be played by a featured extra perhaps. I always pictured Indira Varma as Ellaria but if not, I would like to see Shivani Ghai in the role. I liked her in Bride and Prejudice and HBO's House of Saddam.



- Arianne Martell -

Arianne Martell at 23 is the eldest daughter of the Prince Doran of House Martell, and his consort, Mellario of Norvos. According to Dornish Customs, she is the Heiress of Sunspear. Arianne is short, buxom and beautiful, with olive skin, large dark eyes, and long black hair to the middle of her back. She is calculating, adventurous and fierce-tempered. When she sees something she desires, Arianne strives to obtain it at all costs.

My Suggestions:

Amber Rose Revah, Caitlin Joseph, Freida Pinto, Leila Bekhti, Sonam Kapoor, Tasie Dhanraj
My Choice:
I would love to see Amber Rose Revah on Thrones and think she would be great as Arianne, but perhaps she would be even better as Nymeria next season. If they keep Arianne young I like Caitlin Joseph for the role. If they age her up some I think Leila Bekhti would be great.


- Arys Oakheart -

Ser Arys Oakheart is a knight of the Kingsguard, serving under King Robert I and his heirs. The courteous Ser Arys has light-brown hair and a comely face. He was sent to Dorne to protect Myrcella Baratheon.
My Suggestions:

Alexander Fehling, Bradley James, Jamie-Campbell Bower, Joe Anderson, Jolyon Coy, Rupert Young
My Choice:
Arys needs to be young enough to believably fall for Arianne, but old enough to be an established knight raised to the Kingsguard... I think Jolyon Coy is about the right age and has the right look.


- Wyman Manderly -

Lord Wyman Manderly of White Harbor is the head of House Manderly. He is so fat he can no longer ride a horse and must be carried in a litter. He is nearly sixty years old. He has a loud, booming laugh. He is mocked by his own people as "Lord Lamprey".
My Suggestions:

Brendan Gleeson, Ian McNeice, Michael Culkin , Robbie Coltrane, Timothy Spall
My Choice:
I have pictured Ian McNeice in the role along with the recently departed Richard Griffiths... If not McNeice I think Jim Carter would make a fun choice. He may not have the girth, but he has the booming voice and stature.


- Randyll Tarly -

Lord Randyll Tarly is the head of House Tarly in the Reach and the father of Samwell Tarly. Tarly is a lean and balding man with a short, bristly grey beard. He is iron willed, shrewd and capable. Randyll Tarly is considered the finest soldier in Westeros and a strong battle commander.
Fan Favorites:
David Morrissey, Hugh Laurie, Hugo Weaving, Ian McShane, Peter Mullan
My Suggestions:

Brian F. O'Byrne, Douglas Hodge, Graham McTavish, James Nesbitt, John Lynch, Ray Stevenson
My Choice:
McTavish is close to the image of Tarly I imagined as I read (I pictured a taller and younger Patrick Stewart for some reason), but Douglas Hodge has something in him that reminds me of John Bradley as Samwell Tarly. Plus he was recently cast by Nina Gold in Secret State last year.


- High Sparrow -

He is a tall, thin, hard-eyed, grey-haired man with a heavily lined face. Unlike previous High Septons, he does not wear rich robes or elaborate crowns of crystal and spun gold. Instead, he wears a simple white wool tunic that goes to his ankles. The man is truly devout to his faith and has an iron will.
Fan Favorites:
Ian McShane, Peter Mullan, Timothy Dalton
My Suggestions:

Adrian Dunbar, Craig Parkinson, Michael Gould, Peter Capaldi, Russell Kilmister, Stuart Graham
My Choice:
I really love the idea of Peter Capaldi as the High Sparrow, but I think he may be a little too high profile. My guess is that the role will go to more of a journeyman actor who has been cast by Nina Gold before. Stuart Graham or Russell Kilmister fit the bill nicely!


- Kindly Man -

The Kindly Man is a priest of the Many-Faced God in the House of Black and White in Braavos and a Faceless Man. He does not give his name. When he first shows his face it is a skull with scraps of skin hanging from it, although he often appears as a kindly old man and wears a robe with cowl of black on the right side and white on the left side.
My Suggestions:

Colm Wilkinson, James Fox, Jim Broadbent, John Hurt, Nicholas Farrell, Tom Wilkinson
My Choice:
This is a role that could be replaced by the reappearance of Jaqen H'ghar if some people's theories hold true. Personally, I would love to see Maisie Williams acting opposite James Fox or Tom Wilkinson. Wow! Those scenes would be incredible!


- The Waif -
The Waif is a priestess of the Many-Faced God in the House of Black and White. The Waif appears to be a pale young girl with a gaunt boney face and dark eyes that look as big as saucers, however she is 36 years old. She wears a robe with a cowl of black on the right side white on the left side.
My Suggestions:

Alice Englert, Emily Haigh, Freya Parks, Jayne Wisener, Saoirse Ronan, Sophie Ellis
MY Choice:
I'm guessing both Kindly Man and the Waif will be introduced in Season 5, but Sophie Ellis or Freya Parks would be perfect for the role in my opinion.


End Notes:

- I collected common casting suggestions from various forums online and some ideas from friends for the "Fan Favorites". Some of them are included in "My Suggestions" as well. All of the suggestions are best guesses or some fan's wishes - not official in anyway. Official news will be updated in its own post on this page.

- With my own predictions and suggestions I tried for the most part to ignore larger named actors and Americans since most roles on Game of Thrones will go to British and European actors that are not blockbuster draws. Some roles I included will most likely be cast for Season 5 if at all, but I've included them in case they are moved forward.

- This year I mostly used artwork from the Fantasy Flight Game of Thrones gaming cards. (All credit to original artists.) I then added shields with their personal sigil (where applicable) and their overlord's house sigil to help people who have not read the books understand how the new roles fit into the story.

- All ages listed are approximate ages gleaned from the books and are meant to be a general guideline. The ages of the new characters are almost certainly going to be aged up on the TV series.

- For Oberyn Martell I decided to include a "White" mostly European group of actors in addition to the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern actors I suggested. Personally, I do not like to see ethnicity as limiting factor when I look at an actor, but every time one of the white actors was suggested some place, someone would respond, "That actor is white, they can't be a Martell!" Olive skinned with black hair could mean anywhere from Italian to Indian in my opinion. D&D can cast the Martells and Dornish as Middle Eastern, Near Eastern, Mediterranean, or white and I would not have issue honestly.

- My guess is that at most only a couple Ironborn lords will be cast along with a few notable crewmen. Maybe Erik, and Blacktyde for lords along with Cragorn and Nute for crewmen possibly. None will be significant roles though.

- I'm beginning to think that we will not get any new Kingsguard in Kings Landing and probably no Kettleblacks either. Perhaps the Kingsguard deeds will all be moved to Meryn Trant, with maybe Bronn or even Pod taking over the Kettleblack duties...

- A part of me can see D&D using Janos Slynt and Alliser Thorne instead of Cotter Pyke and Ser Denys Mallister to streamline things, although I'm not a fan of the idea..

- Some people have theorized Pyp will take Dareon's role or even Satin's role and think either is possible. I would prefer if more Night's Watch were cast instead of merging future roles with current show roles.

- I left Val, Dalla and Taena of Myr off of this list since I am waiting to see if they turn up this season. If they do not, I guess there is a chance they could next year, but it would be a slim chance.

- Some have been theorizing that Arianne Martell will arrive in King's Landing with Oberyn Martell in place of Ellaria Sand. I can see Ellaria being cut easily enough, but not Arianne accompanying Oberyn. I am not a fan of the idea, but included her anyway, just in case. In my opinion if anyone were to go with Oberyn to KL it would be one of his own daughter's. Most likely Nymeria since she is being sent to KL at a later date.
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