Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon True Blood - Episode 6.06 - New Vampire being cast

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True Blood - Episode 6.06 - New Vampire being cast

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Thanks to The Spoiler Fairy for sending us the following..

Beginning in episode 6.06, there will be a new recurring vampire on True Blood named Wes! He was turned in the 1970s when he was in his mid 20's. His ethnicity isn't specified. He's sexy, smart, compassionate, protective, and plays the guitar. He's going to be involved in a love triangle with Jason and another vampire (hmmm... sounds like it could be Jessica, but the "other vampire" isn't named). Wes will be a strong recurring role in season 6 and a regular in season 7 - so we know he "survives" season 6 - and some rear nudity is involved.

Source: SpoilerTV

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