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USD POLL : How do you think Supernatural should end?

19 Feb 2013

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Today's User Submitted Daily (USD) Poll was submitted by Tom who was picked randomly from our Poll Submissions (see below).

Let us know in the comments what you voted for and why?

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You can vote for 1 Ending.


  1. I don't want an ending as such, I want to believe that when it does end it's still situation normal for Sam and Dean. So no dramatic exits please, and no giving up!

  2. I couldn't imagine either of them in normal lives. The show should end like "Angel." They go to work.

  3. Angel was my favourite ending of a show ever, so I would love it if the last scene was the boys ganking a demon together.

  4. I don't like any of these options so I won't vote.

    One of the brothers dies is out of the question for me. So no.

    Both survive and keep hunting together is just moreof the same; hurt, pain and terror until they get too old and are taken out by a faster monster. So no.

    Both survive and get normal lives is not for them. They have both had a go at that and it has never satisfied them fully. It's like a dream, but that's all it is.

    The brothers are not normal, never have been and a boring suburban life is not for them. So no.

    If I was really forced to choose i would rather they went out together, locking eyes with each other one last time, before moving on to whatever is waiting for them in the afterlife.

    However i would hope that the writers have more creativity than that ( big doubt there though!) and come up with another idea for them both, perhaps moving them to a higher plane of consciousness or having them found a new organization of hunters or something.

    They are special after all, many people have had a Gospel written about them!

  5. I have thought about this before and as much as I would love for them to carry on like on Angel, the Butch & Sundance ending fits them more.

    If one has to die it needs to be Dean, Sam has shown this season that he really does not care anything about Dean and would be fine..Damn, I hope this turns out to be Sam under some kind of spell.

    Of course I would love for the show to go until they get to be Bobby's age, but that is just me. lol

  6. I want both of them to survive and have normal lives, but I know that´s not gonna happen. Either they both die or they both live and keep on hunting together.

  7. I want both to survive and keep hunting, but J2 (and I think it's going to happen this way, too) want the boys to go out together.

  8. If they were to go out together - the scene of them in heaven with their family (Mom and Dad) and friends joinging them - welcoming them to heaven - good job! Not the kind they went to but better - not just the memories of their life. But that's many years from now - after Season 9 :-)

  9. Hard to choose. I went with them both surviving and hunting because I don't think after all this they could have normal lives.
    Second choice is both die. It would make for an epic and deservedly tragic ending. In a good way that is. But they couldn't just kill one. That would seem unfinished after all the finales where just one died. It would have to e both or neither. Both would be epic. Just because imagine what would be happening in that finale episode.

  10. dont really mind just as long as its epic

  11. I honestly don't know what I want to happen..What I think it'll happen though is that they'll both die fighting,side by side.And then my life will be over.

  12. -One of the brothers dies:HEEEELL NO.It would be the worst ending.For starters,not Dean nor Sam would leave it that way.They would do everything in their power to bring each other back no matter the cost.And damn if we know what that means!It's never good news.BUT,there a case where Dean dies,and Sam promises to move on and have a family etc etc...And in this case the writers could leave it as is.The thing for is that Sam would always feel the pain,he would never forget AND we know one more who he is a supernatural magnet!He would cross roads with something at some point.I still don't believe that Sam just left Dean in Purgatory to rot.So no.I do not want this ending because the pain is stil present and the memories cannot fade out.

    -Both survive and keep hunting together:As much as I would like to know they are alive and ganking supernatural monsters as a duo,I just don't want them to feel fear and terror until they get old.IF they get old because they won't be dodging bullets forever...They do not deserve it.They need peace.They've earned it.They've given everything they've ever had for a humanity that is ignorant of their existence and their sacrifices.They are invisible heroes,but they absolutely deserve to get out of the hunter's life.There will always be hunters.And they've done more than any hunter would ever acheive.

    -Both brothers survive and get normal lives.THEY can't.And not only because they can't embrace the normal way of life but because it is not in their nature.Not only Dean but Sam too.I will use a song well known to the fans of Supernatural to explain why:BORN TO BE WILD by Steppenwolf.These boys,they cannot settle down.Maybe for a little while,but not forever.We've all seen what happens when they do.And I firmly believe that they themselves would feel suffocated in the new way of life.As hunters they might be in danger,all the time on the road,but they are free.Free to do whatever they want,whenever they want and they are together.Sam and Dean are like twins.Toy just can't seperate them from each other for long.

    -Both the brothers die:Even if this sounds sad,and trust me I will be one the people who will cry their eyes and hearts out,I want them to go out together.To go out with a big blast.Gank as many of those SOBs as they can,wipe the demons off the earth.And...I want them to be side by side.Then...arrive in heaven,WITH the Impala and find there all their loved ones waiting for them,.Their mom and dad,Bobby,Ellen,Jessica waiting for Sam and Jo waiting for Dean.Henry,Pamela,Ash,Rufus,BE HAPPY and TOGETHER.That's my perfect ending.They boys together with their family,finding the peace the deserve.AND...since we know heaven(as described on the show) isn't exactly the perfect place...they will still be able to do some...hunting ;) I know it will be heartbreaking but like Dean says:THIS is my perfect ending.And it's the only one I [want to] get.

    NOTE:If they do something like--->this was never real,it was a book,a movie,it was all in Dean's head since In my time of Dying,seasons 6 and over were Lucifer's way to torture Sam I am gonna be SEVERELY PISSED OFF!!!!It would be outrageous!!!Don't ever do that writers.Fans will not stop bitching.Like...NEVER.I will be one of them for sure.

  13. I think one or maybe both die not that I want that but ...

  14. For me, the only two options are them going out together in a blaze of glory, or them riding off into the sunset with a "We got work to do."

    If they kept hunting, though, I'd just like it to not be out of vengeance or a sense of fatalism. Sometime along the way they seem to have forgotten that the "saving people" part of what they do makes them heroes, and though I think it'd be bittersweet to think of them hunting til the end, I think it'd be a positive turn on what has been such a major part of the show and all the themes they've explored therein over the years.

    I really just don't want to see them (or one of them) settling down with a wife and 2.5 kids, though. Maybe if they found awesome hunter ladies to have adventures with, but they've led such extraordinary lives that them either of them ending up in the suburbs would actually be a really disappointing (and, frankly, boring) ending to me. Plus, I rather like the idea of the show dispelling the notion that you have to be "normal" to be happy. I was disappointed when Carver teetered the show back into that mindset, but I'm holding out hope he'll give them an ending worthy of the lives they've led and the things they've learned.

  15. i will no vote... because I don't think the show should end, it must last forever!!!

  16. I voted for both living and getting normal lives but will be happy with both living and hunting so there can be a movie! NO ONE CAN DIE!

  17. I like "happily ever afters." So sue me.

  18. I just know that I want Sam to reach the light that he sees at the end of the tunnel.

  19. I want it to end as it started, with the brothers living and continuing to help people. Leave the series with the news that we will get a theatrical continuance. Give us the brothers on the big screen, with language, sex, and violence we can't get on TV. Hey, the guys like the idea too. Maybe their choice is going out in a blaze of glory, but they both said the idea of SPN movies is good too.

  20. As long as they survive, it's a good ending.

  21. The "normal lives" answer winning, freaks me out. I just don't get why you guys think that is a good way to end this road. If they were real, then yes, but they're not... glory over mediocrity anyday, I agree with Kripke.
    I personally think they should live & keep hunting, because I don't want to grieve, but "normal" sucks.

  22. I just want them to continue doing what they are doing, maybe with badass wives (like Jo) helping them, indefinitely into the future.

  23. I wanted an option for Sam stops hunting (but is still involved in the supernatural, just in a different context) and Dean keeps hunting. Since that was not available I went for the both survive and have normal lives option.

  24. There aren't a lot of options I would choose for. I don't see Dean and Sam as the same, or wanting the same thing. I don't think Sam wants to hunt. I wanted an option where one would hunt and one would not. Since that wasn't an option, I went for the normal lives one.

  25. Don't have my option up there. I think that Sam should get his normal life and Dean keeps on hunting, occasionally visiting Sam when he can.

  26. As awful as this sounds, I think it's most realistic to have them both die saving the world... but I'd be totally happy with them surviving and continuing to hunt together, too. I'd love for them to have a happily ever after, but I don't think it's in the cards in a show like this... unless they eliminate every single baddie and Dean finally believes that he deserves a civilian life and happiness. I think Sam's going to continue to fight for his normal life, which is good. I'm glad he sees that for himself. But I don't know that the writers will give it to him. I REALLY just hope they don't kill ONE. That would be the worst.

  27. ''Then...arrive in heaven,WITH the Impala and find there all their loved ones waiting for them,.Their mom and dad,Bobby,Ellen,Jessica waiting for Sam and Jo waiting for Dean.Henry,Pamela,Ash,Rufus,BE HAPPY and TOGETHER.''

    :') That's my perfect ending too. I keep hoping that God stepped in and save Bobby's soul (since it look like the ghost who get burn just ceased to exist :( ) and send him to Heaven so we can see Bobby at the very last scene of the serie.

  28. I do not like happy endings, but I think that Winchester brothers deserve it - "Both survive and get normal lives".

  29. When the series ends I don't want them to keep hunting... I'll just be like 'If they're still hunting, I want to keep watching.' I think it's best if one or both die. If one survives it should be to lead a normal life.

  30. I can't believe many people choose "Both survive and get normal lives". As they are hunters, for many years, I think it will be the best ending if they were died together, for eternally, saving the world. End of Supernatural. Oh.. before they die, it will be better if they talk to each other, heart to heart, what they hate about each other, what they proud, and what they want in their future heaven

  31. The annoying thing about any of these endings is that they've already tried all of these endings and come back for another season. Either one sacrifices himself for the other, then normal life for that one. But then one is pulled out of death to go back to work.

    I think the big series finale ending should involve beating the ultimate big bad (closing the gates of hell forever or whatever is the plan). Then the boys settling down at the end (they are either in their apartment, or their new base of operations they got this season), they've decided that's it - they are finished, done, over. They sit, eat burgers, clink beers and are happy - but it soon gets uncomfortable. They think about the road travelled.

    Something catches their eye, either a newspaper report, or news report on tv (either way, the audience doesn't see what it is). They start getting antsy, but either one not wanting to say what they truly want to do - stay in the game no matter what. The report is repeated, and they quickly blurt out that they should stay in it. Sam starts looking in the books, Dean on the computer - they soon find the answer, grab their jackets and run out the door. Dean comes running back in, picks up his half-eaten burger and then back out again.

    The End.

  32. Yeah me too!!Bobby is a Winchester according to Dean isn't he?? :') And he gave so much for the team!!!

  33. Interesting - I stopped watching after Season 5, but at least at that point, the ending I wanted was for Dean to keep hunting and for Sam to get some sort of clean slate via the angels, go back to law school and live the life he always wanted. I didn't want the same ending for both of them, because it seemed to me that Sam got into hunting ad-hoc to find John (and then to stop the YED and the apocalypse, etc...) - I never got the "once a hunter, always a hunter" vibe from him like I did Dean. So I guess I wanted them to go their separate ways in the end, while still having a good relationship of course.

  34. You are looking for the Angel ending, which is OK, but if they are still hunting, I want to be here watching. lol

  35. I think it would be amazing if one of the brothers die.... BUT I DONT WANT IT TO HAPPEN TOO. Sam and Dean need to continue hunting toghether, but it would be shoking if one of them dies D: And what about Castiel? He is now part of the team.

  36. I want to keep the Supernatural universe the way it's been since the beginning, with the boys saving people and hunting things, the family business.

  37. I'd like that too. I'd like to "know" that they're still out there hunting things, as silly as it sounds.

  38. I voted " both survive and keep hunting together" because if one of them dies and other survives it's a little bit repetitive for what we saw from the ending of the previous seasons. Concerning to the second option i hope not to be the case and not to be the end of the show mainly because not only the writers, but also the fandom and the actors themselves are always giving this ending as a good one for the show. They keep telling this option to be the perfect ending for the show, in interviews, in SPN conventions and so on. Personally i think it would be very "simple". First, an important factor: the element of surprise. This ending would be not only repetitive but also would transmit a huge lack of criativity. Everybody would be waiting for this. Sam and Dean die, period. the end. That's it? This ending has been discussed for years. So, where would be the element of surprise???

    I think Sam and Dean are Heroes, they deserve better than death. I would have hated if JKR had killed harry potter after all his suffering, after all his ordeals. Their deaths and their reunion with the loved ones in heaven would be too cliché. The second option as an ending for SPN is overused right now to the point that it lost it's meaning already. It would be too predictable.

    The last option is nice but in this show i don't think it's possible mainly because the writers were never able so far to write a really interesting female character for both of them. Sam and Dean deserve to be happy but not with women like Jo or Lisa. I loved the characters but in this world, the winchesters world, they were too fragile, to dependent, too damsel in distress. So, this women never had opportunity to proper development. I would love to see maybe Sam with someone, but not a girl like Amelia. This show needs a bad ass girl but at the same time, able to love and protect them, an independent womem like Cara or Kahlan from LOTS. SPN needs strong women, not weak or housewives, easy to kill or to get rid of.

  39. Those are my only 2 options for them as well. I love that Sam wants that normal life. And I love that Dean wants that for him, but I just can't see it happening long term for either of them. They gotta go out with a bang together or it's back to the old grind. The one option I hate if for only one of them to survive in the end. (which is why I was SO glad there was a season 6, so the show didn't have to end with one of them dead after Swan Song)

  40. I would like to see them reach that light at the end of the tunnel, but Jensen and Jared want them to go out like Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. We'll see.

  41. Now THAT would be very interesting too...;)

  42. but angel was cancelled and that was never an appropriate ending there was no closure.

  43. The ending for Angel was perfect, they just stayed with the fight and if Sam & Dean just ride off into the sunset, that is the same ending.

  44. While I wish the show would NEVER end, if I need to be more realistic, I have picked both brothers die. NOT ONE, but BOTH need to go out swinging in a blaze of glory. Here's my reason. I personally would want a bittersweet ending. I've always wanted that for them. As much as I don't want neither of them to die, I feel like they should because then I feel like the show should never end if they live since we all know this show has so much story to tell. And we all know the boys will never have a happy ending, it's just not the Supernatural way. So when they die, for good, they both go to Heaven and see all their family members and friends. That's a great (bittersweet) ending, I think. What do you guys think?

  45. I want it to end twenty years down the road like the Pilot ended... Closing Baby's trunk with one of the brothers saying... "We have work to do"... Then a rated R movie!

  46. I think that they should continue to hunt vermin in =)

  47. At this point in the show, any kind of ending would work....

  48. Both die and end up with their parents and the rest of their loved ones in Heaven, the real sky-clouds kind.

  49. It's gotta end bloody, they have never been happy, even living apple pie lives; so why start now?

  50. I want both brothers to live-preferably happily. When Sam reaches the end of that tunnel, I would like Dean to be right behind him. Love Sam having a son named Dean-and Dean could have a daughter named Sam(antha)-maybe with Lisa. The gates of hell have been closed so that nothing can escape, angels are sent to only help and God is back in heaven controlling the universe, with maybe a special certificate to Dean & Sam for all they have done to help millions. I know, I'm dreaming, but I do want both boys to live happily ever after.

  51. Both of them should die and have a big reunion with everyone including Benny and Amy

  52. I think it should be another option: Both survive but Sam get a normal life an Dean keep hunting. I mean it seamed that Dean only get a normal life bacause Sam asked him. But I really don't sure if he was really happy with Lisa. And in "It's a terrible life" he showed to have a very strog instinct to hunt, but Sam has more instinc to feel that something was wrong... I don't know... I just an idea... ;-)

  53. Angel was cancelled but Whedon knew in advance. Well enough in advance to map out the ending of the series.

    The ending is how he wanted Angel to end - the fact that they never get closure. There's always a fight. There's no redemption or happy ending. It is what it is and it always will be.

  54. So true, didn't he find out the show was cancelled the day they shot the 100th ep? I loved the ending and would not mind something like it for our guys.

  55. I think if one of them dies so should the other and if that happens they need to show them if heaven and if heaven is your favourite place and Ash has managed to find everyone then they'll all end up together hunting.

  56. after one has visited heaven, hell, and purgatory, there is no such thing as a normal life at the end of the road not cuz the world won't allow it, but because two people who process eg the 'zeus is an asshole and someone should stop his curses' problem and come up with the 'let's kill zeus' solution and face it like an every day at the office job instead of something heroic, impossible and greaty quest-y, have developed a world view and a thought process so wide, so different from the average person that... i can't even see it, that 'normal' life. even if they were to face the every day life everyone else lives, they'd probably go about it in slightly different ways.

  57. Rabia Salvatore8 April 2014 at 05:11

    I voted for both survive and get normal lives, but Supernatural has never been about the happy ending or the easy way out so I think they will either kill off one of the boys or they keep hunting and never having normal lives. They don't actually know what normal is (maybe Sam does a bit more) so it's more of a fantasy than a reality that either of them can see.


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