Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Adams TV Teasers - 9th Jan - Part Two - Supernatural, 90210, House, Glee, Grimm & More...

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Adams TV Teasers - 9th Jan - Part Two - Supernatural, 90210, House, Glee, Grimm & More...

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Hey Guys,

Firstly, Happy New Year!

Hope you all had a fantastic time during the holidays and are raring to go with a new TV schedule at the ready, which has just started over the last seven days and really kicks off this week.

It great for me to say that Adam's TV Teasers are back after the holiday break, where I've been working very hard but enjoying the four day holiday over the Christmas week. We're back in two parts, the second of which you can find HERE, with shows such as Castle, The Mentalist, CSI, Person Of Interest, Alcatraz & more featured!

The feature will be running once a week, bringing you as much exclusive, interesting and new teasers, episode titles and casting tidbits as we can manage. Prepare for side-splitting news!

Of course, I keep the world up to date on the world of television through my twitter @AdDHarris and through the SpoilerTV Podcast which I run with good friends TheODI, CJSonic, and Bella, so check us all out to keep upto date on the latest STV news!

All that's left for me to say, is enjoy 2012, enjoy television. Mark my words, it's gonna be a good'un!

TV Teasers Part Two

Episode 1.16 is called "What We Have Is Worth The Pain"

In the episode is Cash, who is a handsome and physically fit man. He also has a lazy grin and has a way with ladies. The role is recurring, suggesting he may be having his way with two very similarly looking ladies :P
Also in the episode are the customary homeless man and stripper (separate roles of course!) The homeless man is drug-addicted (shocker) and is questioned about a phone in his pocket. The stripper believes she is being watched (no shit)

The Killing
Episode 2.04 is called "Ogi Jun"

In the episode is Sally Ames, who is formidable, and is a sophisticated woman who comes from money. More interestingly, the role is a recurring one!

Episode 1.15

There's a new recurring role in town, Rosalee, who is attractive, and a former drug addict (Isn't everyone on TV nowadays...) he's from a long line of Fuchsbau (To normal people, that's a fox like creature) and has left the family to become a businesswoman. It also takes a tragedy to lure her back to Portland!

Breaking In
Episode 2.01 is called "The Contra Club"

Storylines include a bank executive checking out his new back, and a receptionist who is the target of a prank. I hope there's more...

Episode 3.12

Steph, Bill & Chili: Steph is an ordinary mom who is a student at night school. The role is described as funny. Also, Bill & Chili are night students, both roles described as needing comedy actors...

Hawaii 5-0
Episode 2.16 is called "I Helu Pu"

A woman is killed during a $5000 a plate fundraiser, and the Five-O team tracks the killer to the Russian Embassy, where he has protection. Any 24 fans will know even Jack Bauer got shafted trying to break into an embassy! Good luck team!

Episode 1.18 is called "Down Time"

If you thought Therapist and Dr. George were the same role, you'd be wrong. The therapist is intelligent and helping Dalia move on from her parent's divorce.
Dr. George however, is just a man with a kid friendly vibe... A paediatrician too. That explains the Dr part of his name!

Episode 8.17 is called "Unwrapped"

Nothing seems to make any sense when Kelvin, a local hero, is killed whilst visiting the old neighbourhood...


In an upcoming episode there is a hockey player. So if you can skate, get into the show! The producers are hunting for someone with basic skills!

Episode 4.19

Caleb: There's a recurring role in town; Caleb, who wants to become a priest, when he's not fitting into his surfer-type persona!

Last Man Standing
An Upcoming Episode is called "Tree of Strife"

The episode has a TV newswoman in it. I believe she reports some news... on the TV... hmmm...

Franklin & Bash
Episode 2.08 is called "Last Dance"

Martha Rheem-Strauss: She's a microbiologist, who is more concerned with her career, and lives life in her own terms... hang on a second. There's gotta be something worth continuing reading these teasers for...

Episode 7.16 is called "Out With The Old"

A recurring guest star is George, who is Joyce's long suffering assistant. He also has a clever streak at self-preservation!
Wondering who Joyce is? Well wonder no more, she's a realtor, who is high up the totem pole and is the boss from hell.
Joyce is trying to buy some stores in Portland, to sell on... It all sounds very un-Supernatural esque, especially when the producers ask us to think of George as Anne Hathaway and Joyce as Meryl Streep from the Devil Wears Prada. Also interesting is that Joyce is not recurring... I sense someone's gonna be a gonna be episodes’ end!

Read on for part one of the teasers with Castle, The Mentalist, CSI, Person Of Interest, Alcatraz & more featured HERE

I hope you enjoyed the news. Don't forget to follow me on twitter @AdDHarris to keep upto date with Adams TV Teasers, and to ask me any questions and queries you have!

Until next time,

Source: SpoilerTV

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