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Doctor Who - Moffat Teases Season 7

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He's also announced that there will be no two-parters in season 7. Thanks to Aldair for the heads up.

Steven Moffat has revealed some more of his plans for Series 7 of Doctor Who and also drops a couple of hints on the first episode.

Moffat says he’s writing at least 5 episodes, though that could still change: “Our plans are fluid, because they can be,” he says in the latest issue of Doctor Who Magazine. “We’re making more episodes than ever before, we’ve got other things planned for the big year [2013, the show's 50th anniversary]…”

He also speaks about shaking things up for the new run: “I just think, ‘What haven’t we done yet? How do we mix it up?’ And questioning our own assumptions, like that hardwired assumption, absolutely in my brain, that two-parters are essential. They’re not. This year, we used a lot of cliffhangers and mysteries to pull people through, but then I remember the moment, at the end of A Good Man Goes to War, when we put up the title Let’s Kill Hitler. That was so exciting. I’m thinking, ‘Can we do that every week?’ You can sod off with poetic understatement.”

“I want slutty titles and movie-poster plots. I want big pictures and straplines. The first episode I’m writing is called [Spoiler] of the [Spoilers]. And it’ll feel a bit like Die Hard, that first episode.

“Everyone is expecting us to do another year like 2011. You’re not going to get that at all. You’re going to get the biggest, maddest set of episodes ever.”

Source: Doctor Who TV

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