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The Walking Dead - Interview with Robert Kirkman

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It's been very interesting for fans of the comic to watch the show this season and see how elements we're familiar with like the farm play out in the reality of the TV series. Despite the fact that this is a relatively safe spot, there is a sense of unease about the proceedings. Did you and the writers want to focus on an over-arching theme for this season or this first run of episodes that plays into that?
Robert Kirkman: You know, almost every character has their own little arc, but the main thrust of the season that we're trying to focus on most is Rick questioning his leadership role and the characters around him questioning his leadership role. It's all about him trying to prove his worth, and over the course of the season, that's really what we're trying to establish: whether or not he is the ideal leader for this group or if it's going to be somebody else.

You co-wrote the first episode this year, and it opens with a monologue set firmly in Rick's doubts delivered via radio to the still absent Morgan. Was that your work pitch on how to engage the viewers after a year off?
I think technically Glen Mazzara wrote a good portion of that. It's just how TV writing goes [when people not credited for a specific episode contribute portions]. We just wanted to push in and reestablish the world of the characters very quickly. And that was actually originally meant for later in the episode, but since some things were moved around to make that episode a 90-minute pilot, it started it out. I think it was a much better choice to get things moving on that – reestablishing Morgan and that situation and just getting people up to speed. I was really happy with how everything was directed. The very quick shots we did in the scene where they're loading up the car, and Shane sees Rick and Lori embracing. Then Rick looks over, and Shane completely changes his personality and smiles. There's some very fast character work that's done in that scene that I think was remarkable on the part of the actors and the director.

Source: Full interview @ CBR

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