Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Breaking Bad - Season 4 - Infographic

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Breaking Bad - Season 4 - Infographic

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Thx to Roco.

Created by X Files veteran Vince Gilligan, AMC’s ruthlessly bleak series Breaking Bad—about a cancer-stricken chemistry teacher named Walter White who starts cooking meth to leave a nest egg for his family—premiered in 2008 to rave reviews and quickly earned a cult following. But the third season ended in June 2010, which means fans have spent a year jonesing for a fix. Well, they can stop sweating, because the rush returns in July. Can’t recall the state of the Whites’ marriage or whose bad side Jesse’s on? Then perhaps you could use a refresher hit. Here’s a molecular breakdown of the winning formula so far. Like it? This one’s free.

Source: WIRED

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