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Update: 29th April Updated with latest numbers. Update: 22nd April Updated with latest numbers. Update: 9th April Updated with latest numbers. Update: 1st April Updated with latest numbers.
Update: 25th March Updated with latest numbers. Update: 18th March Updated with latest numbers. Update: 11th March Updated with latest numbers. Update: 25th February Updated with latest numbers Update: 8th February Updated with latest numbers Update: 25th January Updated with latest numbers Update: 10th January Updated with latest numbers and first update of 2011 Update: 10th December Updated with latest numbers and now includes some cable shows Update: 27th November We've updated the way we calculate the drop by taking the average viewing numbers and comparing those with the Premiere/1st Episode numbers. This should make the numbers a little more realistic.
Update: 15th November Updated table.
Update: 7th November Here is the latest table. We've also included Top 20 by Total Viewer Drop and at the request of some people we've also included the Top 20 Viewed Shows as well.
Original Post: 13th October I was just playing around with our ratings stats and thought I'd quickly have a look at which shows have dropped off the most viewers. The tables are done as a percentage of viewers from their average rating to their last episode rating.
Note: I did this in a bit of a rush so there maybe the odd error
The interns annoy me, and I find them a distraction. Sorry. As for Tracker, I don't feel that Reenie is "window dressing." She is a fully realized character, and I've loved her from the first episode.