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Fringe - Episode 3.03 - The Plateau - Recap

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Wow, finally an episode of season 3 I really enjoyed. I definitely prefer the red universe over the blue one. The main reason for that is probably that I can't stand Nolivia. But also the fact that you can discover cool things over there (see my summary of easter eggs from episode 3.01 here) plays a pretty big role.

Now onto last night's episode which took place in the alternate universe again.


What a cool character if you ask me. I was a fan oh him right from the start when he was observing the street and the people und put that pen on the mail box. And what a creepy look on his face he had while the poor woman was hit by the bus. The most special thing about him was no doubt the twitching with his hand. This is often used to do mental arithmetic. It's like using an abacus in your mind and is often taught in Asian schools.

Milo was a person with a very low IQ, 56 to be exact. So his (cute) sister signed him up for an experiment using Nootropics, or as Olivia called them: Smart drugs. So after one treatment Milo was able to calculate Pi up to 1000 digits after the comma. And yet they gave him four more. Pretty reckless if you ask me.
This also sounds kind of familiar, don't you think? It reminded me of Olivia, Walter and the Cortexiphan programm.

The whole storyline ended really sad. Milo was kept in a box, talking to a machine. Only the machine was able to interpret his thoughts. He didn't even really notice his sister and the little black horse.
At least they didn't kill Milo so there might be a little chance that he will be back. But probably not. :P


Okay, we definitely need a name for alternate Astrid, any ideas? ALTERNAstrid is a bit too long for my taste.

While I thought this Astrid was kind of cool I still prefer "our" Astrid, who's definitely more friendly and emotional. You might not know this but alternate Astrid has Asperger's, a special type of autism. And since Jasika Nicole's sister has autism as well she pulled that role off pretty good if you ask me.

Which one do you prefer?

Easter Eggs

Unfortunately there weren't as many cool things as in episode 3.01 but I did catch one nonetheless.

In the opener there was a beggar sitting on the floor and aparently he was an Aruba War veteran. Aruba is an island of the Lesser Antilles located in the southern Caribbean Sea. It's a constituent country of the Netherlands so I reckon there was a war between the United States and the Netherlands.

Two other things that might be worth mentioning are that avocados and ballpoint pens seem to be really rare in the alternate universe.

Of course the Observer appeared as well, although for such a short time that I wasn't even able to take a clear screencap as you can see on the right. :P It really gets harder and harder to spot him.
And if you ask me it's time for another Observer-featured episode since they haven't been mentioned for quite a while now.

Thanks to Fringe Television we also have this week's glyphs which spell out BREACH.

Thanks for reading.

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