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Smallville - Episode 10.02 - Shield - Synopsis

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“SMALLVILLE” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) , “Shield” (CONTENT RATING TBD sptv050769) (HDTV)

DC COMICS’ CHARACTERS DEADSHOT, KAT GRANT, CARTER HALL AND SHAYERA APPEAR — After Lois (Erica Durance) departs for Egypt, the Daily Planet hires a new reporter by the name of Kat Grant (guest star Keri Lynn Pratt) to take her place..... An assassin named Deadshot (guest star Bradley Stryker) takes aim at Kat but Clark learns the man has a dangerous hidden agenda that involves The Blur. Meanwhile, Carter Hall ( guest star Michael Shanks) turns up in Egypt to keep an eye on Lois, and he tells Lois about his wife Shayera (guest star Sahar Biniaz). Glen Winter directed the episode written by Jordan Hawley (#3X6002).

Source: SpoilerTV via CW

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