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Best Show Ever 2.4a - Supernatural vs. Mad Men

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Day 15: And so we hit the penultimate day of Round 2, after a few fairly quiet days over the weekend, potentially due to American Holidays, and also people not feeling the need to vote at this early stage in the competition. This perhaps was the case for LOST today, as it dropped by around 1,100 votes from it's Round 1 battle vs. The West Wing, but still comfortably saw off Seinfeld to make it's way into Round 3. Also, Doctor Who found the passage just as easy, seeing off The OC to make for a mouth watering Round 3 tie soon as it faces LOST in a few days. Sure to be interesting to see the cream of British TV taking on the most critically acclaimed prime time American shows of recent years. But that's for another day.

Today we have Supernatural, one of the competitions front runners after Round 1 taking on the show that, if awards is anything to go by, is the best show on TV at the present time, Mad Men. It it sure to fire up a few debates between the sci-fi fans and the more traditional drama supporters, and I'm looking forward to seeing the results. Also we have NCIS taking on the pick of the golden-oldie shows in MASH. Will old overcome new here? Let the battles begin.
To view today's other poll, NCIS vs. Mash, head here: Best Show Ever 2.4b

Supernatural vs. Mad Men

Seasons: 5 (ongoing)
Previous Results: R1. WON vs. Freaks & Geeks (58.18%)
Format: Supernatural drama, horror, action, adventure, thriller
Synopsis: Starring Jared Padalecki as Sam Winchester and Jensen Ackles as Dean Winchester, the series follows the brothers as they hunt demons and other figures of the paranormal.
Fan Review: Raluca (Romania)
I think Supernatural is the best TV show ever, or should be at least in the top 3. Aside from all the monsters and mythology, Supernatural shows the concepts of family, moral values and human nature in a whole new light. One of the best things about the show is the chemistry that all the characters and actors have. Jensen and Jared were practically born to be Dean and Sam, and I don't know if anyone's noticed that except for Paris Hilton, the show doesn't have bad episodic characters/actors. Supernatural is about more than just two brothers hunting demons, it's about a family that extends outside the TV show and the set, all across the world, reuniting us fans. I love Supernatural because it is funny, thrilling, interesting and I think that Kripke [Eric Kripke - Creator] wanted to show us how he envisions the world and let us discover ourselves through the questions that he brought up through each episode. I could go on forever, but if it has to be short, I should stop here.

Mad Men

Seasons: 3 (ongoing)
Previous Results: R1. WON vs. Northern Exposure (71.58%)
Format: Period Drama
Synopsis: Mad Men is set in the 1960s, initially at the fictional Sterling Cooper advertising agency on Madison Avenue in New York City, and later at the newly created firm of Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce. The show centers on Don Draper (Jon Hamm), creative director at Sterling Cooper and a founding partner at Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce, as well as those in his life in and out of the office. It also depicts the changing social mores of 1960s America.
Fan Review: None Submitted

Thanks once again for voting and taking part in the Competition. Hope your doing well, and that your favourite shows are getting through. Comment away and lets see who grinds through today.
Top 3 Most Voted for Polls So Far:
1. Firefly vs. Fringe (Day 11, Round 2 - 4491 votes)
2. The West Wing vs. LOST (Day 6, Round 1 - 3644 votes)
3. Legend of the Seeker vs. Fringe (Day 2, Round 1 - 3283 votes)
Also if you would like to submit a review for any show for the next round, then send them to!

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